Bible Topics
In Alphabetical Order

Some topics may be listed under more than one letter. This is done in the hopes that the topics may be easier to find.

Topic Description
Adam and his race Redeemed by Jesus Watch Tower references to the fact that Jesus died for Adam, as well as Adam's race. – This may be of assistance in discussions with JW's.
"All intelligent people.. now perceive.." – R5829 Jan. 1916 – By this time everyone knew that (so-called) Christendom was not Christ's Kingdom.
All The Prophets All the Prophets (Acts 3:21) from Enoch to John the Baptist. Compiled by Br. Wilf McNee
Armageddon Already in progress (Jan. 1916) – R5829
The Four Attributes of God in Symbol Symbolic Representation of God's Four Attributes – How they are used in scripture.

Topic Description
Baptismal Questions The 3 Questions asked at Baptismal Service
Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty "Now in progress" – R5951:5 – September 1916
Before the Throne A brief examination of this phrase as found in Revelation
The Binding of Satan A brief study on the subject focusing on Rev. 20.
Mankind's Coming Blessing (Garrison) A Poem with corresponding Scriptures
Blessings To Come To All in God's Plan A list of linked scriptures showing the blessings for All in God's Plan.
Brief word study on 'Blotting out.' Usage of 'blotting out' in the New Testament (esp. Revelation).
The Book of James The book broken down into a listing of our faults (sins) and the corresponding remedies for those faults.
The Books – as found in Revelation A brief examination of the the usage of "Book" or "Books" as is used in Revelation.
The Bottomless Pit A brief examination of the term "The Bottomless Pit" as is used in Revelation.

Topic Description
Israel's Captivity Parallels Parallel time features of Israel going into Captivity and Israel's return to the Promised Land during Our Lord's Second Advent
"The Caul above the liver."

Feminine active participle of H3498; the lobe or flap of the liver (as if redundant or outhanging): - caul.
The following is from "A rendering of the Hebrew יֹתֶרֶת ... it is used to translate "yoteret," a word occurring frequently in the priestly regulations and in connection with the liver. It is best taken to mean the fatty mass surrounding the liver. This was always included (Ex. xxix. 13, 22; Lev. iii. 4, 10, 15; iv. 9; vii. 4; viii. 16, 25; ix. 10, 19) in the burnt offering."
Divine Plan Chart of the Ages The Chart of the Ages with links to the Author's explanation (Mostly from Volume I of Scripture Studies.)
The Lord thy God Shall Choose Scriptures reminding us that man does not tell God where they will go and expect Him to bless them there.
Christendom Christendom – What is it?
"All intelligent people now know.." R5829 Jan. 1916 – By this time everyone knew that (so-called) Christendom was not Christ's Kingdom.
End of Christendom A few quotations from Historians concerning Christendom. Compiled by Br. P. Robinson
Chronological Dates Chronology
Common Union Article by Br. Dan Beard – published in Herald
Convention Studies
Convention Study – Firm Decision And Self Control Study for Puget Sound Convention May 26 & 27, 2007
Convention Study – Dwelling Together in Unity Study for Mahomet Convention July 26 & 27, 2008
Convention Study – Examples of Deliverance Study for Mahomet Convention July 21 & 22, 2012
Convention Study – Hates and Delights of the Lord Study for Mahomet Convention July 15 & 16, 2006
Convention Study – If Ye Do These Things 2010 Mahomet Convention Study
Convention Study – The Judgment of Earth's Financial, Political & Ecclesiastical Systems Study for Puget Sound Convention May 23 & 24, 2009
Convention Study – Parousia Epiphania Apokalupsis Study for Mahomet Convention July 25 & 26, 2009
Showing God's Faithfulness" Study for Mahomet Convention July 23 & 24, 2011
The Voice From Heaven Study for Mahomet Convention July 28 & 29, 2007
Convention Study – Lessons From the Woman...Once Clothed with the Sun Study for Puget Sound Convention May 24 & 25, 2008

Topic Description
Dark Continent? – Europe Is Europe the new Dark Continent? – An article that appeared on the CBN Website. This article clearly demonstrates what the Lord has done to what men used to call "Christendom" (Christ's Kingdom – falsely so-called.)
Helpful Rules for Daily Life Helpful Rules for Daily Life – with references.
Daughter of Judah – Under development A study of the phrase "Daughter(s) of Judah."
Daughter of Zion – Under development A study of the phrases "Daughter of Zion" and "Daughter of Jerusalem."
Firm Decision And Self Control Study for Puget Sound Convention May 26 & 27, 2007
Difference between Parables and Types What is a Parable vs. a Type
Divine Plan Chart of the Ages The Chart of the Ages with links to the Author's explanation (Mostly from Volume I of Scripture Studies.)
Dwelling Together in Unity Study for Mahomet Convention July 26 & 27, 2008

Topic Description
Earth Organized society under religious restraint – R498
Earth-Dwellers of Revelation Examination of those who dwelt on the earth – Revelation.
Ezekiels Temple 1 A map of Ezekiel's Temple with an index of what many of the items are.
Eaten in the Holy Place A few references showing where the Priests ate things in the Tabernacle.
End of Christendom A few quotations from Historians concerning Christendom. Compiled by Br. P. Robinson
Epitome of the Faith This is found in the back of the Bible Students Manuel.
Evangelical Alliance Notes on the 1846 Evangelical Alliance.
Ezekiel Chapter 6 Mini-study on Idols Ezekiel Chapter 6 Mini-study on Idols, Altars, Images, High Places
Ezekiel Chapter 9 An examination of Ezekiel Chapter 9.
Ezekiel's Bread An Analysis of Ezekiel's Bread.

Topic Description
Faith – Victory Faith is the victory that overcomes.
False Doctrine leads to False Practice The eternal torment doctrine led directly to torture others. – B312
First Reich Hitler's Germany was the 'Third Reich.' What were the first two?
Footprints (Poem) Footprints (Poem)
Loosing the Four Winds A catagorized study of Pastor Russell's teachings on the subject.
The Four Attributes of God in Symbol Symbolic Representation of God's Four Attributes – How they are used in scripture.
The Four Quarter-Marks The Four Quarter-Marks of Love
Three Unclean Spirits like FrogsRev. 16:13 Pastor Russell explains the meaning of the three unclean spirits in R510:5.

Topic Description
Times of the Gentiles Fulfilled – to the very day.
Gleams of Kingdom Blessings 2006 discourse "Gleams of Kingdom Blessings" by Br. Keith Grable, with accompanying slides.
The Glory of the Lord Its use in scripture, reference to how Br. Russell explained it, evidences that it primarily refers to "The Present Truth."
The God Test A few scriptures that indicate who is the True God.
Great Company 1914 - Too late to win the great prize R5411
How Large? Br. Russell's estimates as to the size of the Great Company. – R2942 – Jan. 1902, R4304 – Jan. 1909, R5411
Must recognize the Lord's Presence R5523
Great Pyramid and Isa. 19:19 Fascinating numerical breakdown of the Hebrew text and its signicance.

Topic Description
Hand Writing on the Wall The real meaning behind "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin" – Dan. 5:25-28,30
Hates and Delights of the Lord Study for Mahomet Convention July 15 & 16, 2006
Helpful Rules for Daily Life Helpful Rules for Daily Life – with references.
His Servants A brief examination of the usage of "His servants" or "My Servant(s)" in the book of Revelation. Just who is being referred to by this phrase?
How Pastor Russell got the Truth - in His Own Words Pastor Russell's description of How he got The Truth

Topic Description
If Ye Do These Things 2010 Mahomet Convention Study
Israel's Captivity Parallels Parallel time features of Israel going into Captivity and Israel's return to the Promised Land during Our Lord's Second Advent
Israel is The Fig Tree Some scriptures which indicate Israel is, symbolically, the Fig Tree

Topic Description
James, The Book of The book broken down into a listing of our faults (sins) and the corresponding remedies for those faults.
Jesus as King A few scriptures that establish that Jesus was born a king, died as the king of the Jews and returns as a king.
Jesus Last Week A consideration of the Gospel accounts of the Events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.
Jesus Last Week Reprint Articles A set Reprint articles covering the Last week of Our Lord's earthly life.
Did Judas Die the Second Death? Notes on the fate of Judas.
The Judgment of Earth's Financial, Political & Ecclesiastical Systems Study for Puget Sound Convention May 23 & 24, 2009

Topic Description
The Kingdom "Kingdom of God" and "Kingdom of Heaven" Both refer to the same thing. R396
KJV Introduction Introduction to the 1611 King James Bible
Notice the language. See how much they feared the King and felt they needed to flatter him in order to be sure this translation would be acceptable to him.
Gleams of Kingdom Blessings 2006 discourse "Gleams of Kingdom Blessings" by Br. Keith Grable, with accompanying slides.

Topic Description
Last Week of Jesus Earthly Ministry Reprint Articles A set Reprint articles covering the Last week of Our Lord's earthly life.
Lebanon Just beginning here. Collecting information on how "Lebanon" is used in the Bible.
Liberty Bell Timeline Timeline of the History of the Liberty Bell.
When Does Human Life Begin An examination of the Scriptures and the writings of Pastor Russell on the question of "When does Life Begin?"
Loosing the Four Winds A catagorized study of Pastor Russell's teachings on the subject.
Loud Voice An examination of the usage of "Loud Voice" in the book of Revelation. What does this phrase mean?
Lorenz Br. Ed Lorenz – Preparing for The Day of the Lord

Topic Description
Mankind's Coming Blessing (Garrison) Poem
Memorial Emblems Bread - R3879
Cup - R3880:9
Men of the East Who are the "Men of the east" in Eze. 25:4?
"Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin" The real meaning behind "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin" – Dan. 5:25-28,30
Millstone Mini-study on Millstone

Topic Description

Topic Description
Old Testament Quotes in the New Old Testament Scriptures being quoted in the New Testament

Topic Description
Parousia Epiphania Apokalupsis Study for Mahomet Convention July 25 & 26, 2009
Passover, Timing of the An article written as a rebuttal to the Passover article that appeared in the March/April edition of the Herald
The Passover How the term 'passover' is used in scripture.
How Pastor Russell got the Truth - in His Own Words Pastor Russell's description of How he got The Truth
Perfect Peace Perfect Peace discourse by Br. Don Horein - 2023 Mahomet Convention expanded notes.
Protestantism's Losses From article on the Losses suffered by Protestantism in the early 20th century.

Topic Description
The Four Quarter-Marks The Four Quarter-Marks of Love

Topic Description
The Reign An examination of how long the Reign of Christ lasts.
Resurrection – What is the Definition? Shows Strong's definition and lists each New Testament reference plus CTR references and other comments.
Revelation 6-11 Study by Br. Sundbom [site Editor's view differs]
Revelation 13:6 An examination of Rev. 13:6.
Rev15 Scene A look at other scriptures where the same scene of Rev. 15:5-8 appears. No study of the 7 Last Plagues is complete without considering this.
Revelation – Br. Frey Chap 21
Chap 22
Rotherham Revelation Revelation
Helpful Rules for Daily Life Helpful Rules for Daily Life – with references.
How Pastor Russell got the Truth - in His Own Words Pastor Russell's description of How he got The Truth
Ruth and Naomi – Women of the Bible Ruth and Naomi – Br. Ed Blicharz (Orlando) to lead study in Atlanta (Oct. 12, 2014.) Original Study in Orlando (8/24/2014)

Topic Description
Saints in Babylon Pastor Russell references indicating some of 144,000 still in Babylon between 1881 and 1914.
Sea Irreligious, unsettled masses of humanity. – R498
Sealing of 144,000 This is part of the "Loosing of the 4 Winds" study.
His Servants A brief examination of the usage of "His servants" or "My Servant(s)" in the book of Revelation. Just who is being referred to by this phrase?
Seven Last Plagues This Seven Last Plagues – under development.
Sheep and Goats Sheep and Goats – October 1910
Siege of Tyre by Alexander Siege of Tyre
Social Clubs Pastor Russell describes Churches as "Social Clubs."
Son of Man A study of the use of this phrase in Scripture with an eye to understanding its use in the Book of Ezekiel.
Spirit Begettal Primarily related to the question of spirit-begettal in Babylon.
Spurious Passages Listing of the Spurious Passages of the New Testament
(From the Bible Students Manual)
Symbols, Bible (Br. Hill) A listing of Bible symbols along with (in most cases) references.
Symbols, Bible (Br. Cook) A listing of Bible symbols along with (in most cases) references.
** In most cases the references are not linked. An attempt was made to create the links, however the references too often failed to match the symbol.**
This list compiled over many years by Br. Lyle Cook.

Topic Description
Three Unclean Spirits like FrogsRev. 16:13 Pastor Russell explains the meaning of the three unclean spirits in R510:5.
Times of Restitution An examination of the subject, including Scriptural and Pastor Russell references. – This is a work in progress. [2018]
Times of the Gentiles Fulfilled – to the very day.
Tisha B'Av (the 9th of Av) Jews's Primary "Day of Mourning"
Trinitarian Arguments Scriptures used to support Trinity Doctrine and Response to same
Trumpets and Plagues A side by side comparison of the 7 Trumpets of Revelation and the 7 Last Plagues
The Twenty Four Elders Who are the 24 Elders of Revelation?

Topic Description
Three Unclean Spirits like FrogsRev. 16:13 Pastor Russell explains the meaning of the three unclean spirits in R510:5.
Unity vs. Trinity A few references on the subject.

Topic Description
Views From the Tower Links to "Views From the Tower" in the Reprints
Vine and Fig Tree Bible references using this phrase
The Voice From Heaven Study for Mahomet Convention July 28 & 29, 2007
Loud Voice An examination of the usage of "Loud Voice" in the book of Revelation. What does this phrase mean?
The Voice of Many Waters Brief examination of this combination as found in Revelation.

Topic Description
Walls – Symbolic of protection, safety (often the protection of civil power.) Isa. 60:18; R333:24; R1653:9; R2510:4; R3945:4; R4794:31; R5487:3; R5652:17
Weights and Measures An attempt to get a handle on how these are used in scripture, especially in prophecy.
When Does Human Life Begin An examination of the Scriptures and the writings of Pastor Russell on the question of "When does Life Begin?"
Which Is the True Chronology Chapter I of the Book with the same name by Br. Julian T. Gray
Will the Churches rise to power? Will the Churches rise to power? – A very brief look at the subject, beginning with Rev. 17.
Four Winds Loosing 4 Winds – A catagorized study of Pastor Russell's teachings on the subject.
Not needed in America – R5854
Lessons From the Woman...Once Clothed with the Sun Study for Puget Sound Convention May 24 & 25, 2008
Wormwood Brief information pulled from various websites, Plus a listing of Scripture usages.
Wycliffe Morning Star of the Reformation

Topic Description

Topic Description

Topic Description