Adam to Zion
Lesson 54
The Logos Made Flesh
"The Word was made flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth."-John 1:14 (The Jerusalem Bible)
Long before Jesus lived on the earth, he was in the heavens as a spirit being with his father, Jehovah God. He is called the Logos, which means word or mouthpiece. It is a Greek word.

The scriptures also call him the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 21:6), which means the first and the last. He was the first and last work of God's creation (Revelation 22:13).

The Logos created marvelous worlds and creatures, always according to the great Creator's instructions. The Logos had more power and skill than anyone but God himself. He never worked against God's plans and he took great pleasure in doing God's will.

This dear son of God, the Logos, is described in Colossians 1:15-18 as the image of God, God's firstborn, the creator of all things in heaven and earth (see New International Version). Although the Logos was a spirit being, he was not immortal-he could die.

Even in that long ago time the Logos said he would come to earth as a human baby and grow up to be a perfect man (human being) for the purpose of laying down that human life for Adam. This would take away the sentence of death that was upon Adam, and because of him, upon every person who has ever lived.

Had the Logos been immortal he could not have died in Adam's place. To be immortal means that one would have life within himself-not dependent on anyone or anything else for his existence.

Jehovah God and the Logos loved each other very much-together they created the universe and all that is in it! One of the most loving things they did was to create man (Genesis 1:26). How sad it would make them feel when Adam disobeyed the admonition not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. However, the heavenly Father knew that Adam would fail the test of obedience and had already arranged for his redemption.

The Logos was willing to give up the honor and glory that he had in the heavens and the close association with his Father because he loved mankind. He humbled himself to take on a nature a little lower than the angelic (2 Corinthians 8:9).

In John 17:5 Jesus prayed only to be restored to the life he had had with his Father as the Logos. But because he had fulfilled all the requirements and remained faithful, the Heavenly Father rewarded him with the glory and honor of the divine, or immortal, nature!

Before Jesus was born he was a spirit being, called "The Logos!"

As the Logos, Jesus was not immortal, or he could not have died for mankind!

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