Mahomet Convention Study – July 13-14, 2013

David's Courage and Service
Br. Ed Bushlus


1 As the Israelites entered Canaan, how did the Philistines figure into God's arrangements for His people? R3230

2 From the details in the account of 1 Sam. 17, describe the positions of the Israeli and Philistine armies, and the challenge the Philistines gave to Saul.

3 What was the mindset of Saul and his military leaders as David approached the battle scene? By contrast, what attribute did David possess that brought him the commendation of "a man after God's own heart?"

4 What was there about the demeanor of David that convinced Saul to let him represent the armies of Israel before Goliath? Why did Saul offer David his armor, and what was demonstrated to Saul by David's decision to wear his shepherd's clothing as he approached Goliath?

5 What was the real issue in the battle between David and Goliath, and what were the contributing factors to David's conclusions as to how the battle would end?

6 How was David able to conquer Goliath who was so well equipped with armor and sword?

7 In the battle between David and Goliath, what spiritual lessons do we find that can benefit the antitypical David class–the Christ?

8 How are those of the David class challenged by the foes the Pastor identifies as:
A. The giant of unbelief?
B. The giant of pride?
C. The giant of fear?
D. The giant of sectarian influence?

9 Describe the prominent character elements found in David that we should emulate.


1 After stabilizing the position of Israel in their land, what thoughts came to David's reverential mind regarding honoring God? What was the Lord's response?

2 What profitable lessons can the New Creation derive regarding discerning the Lord's will from the Lord's response to David concerning his building a temple for God's dwelling place? Isa. 55:8,9

3 What is evidenced by the variety of temples found in the religious world around us as to their construction being completed without divine instruction?

4 2 Sam. 7:6; 1 Cor. 3:9-17 What can those of the Davidic character learn about their present mission from David's experiences as a man of war, and God's restricting him to only preparing the materials for future use by Solomon in building the temple of glory?

5 Psa. 30:5; Psa. 46:5; 1 Cor. 13:9,10, What is typified in David's work of preparing for the temple and Solomon's work of completing the temple?

6 2 Sam. 7:8,9; Psa. 40:1-3 What can the David class today discern from the Lord's instructions and encouragements to David relative to what He desires from us in obedience and faithfulness?

7 2 Sam. 7:10-16; Gen. 22:17; Rom. 4:16; Rom. 11:25-32; Gal. 3:16, 29 What blessings to David, his posterity, and natural and spiritual Israel are promised in these scriptures?

8 Ezek. 21:27; Mat. 6:10 Briefly summarize how the overturning process after Zedekiah affected natural Israel, and the changes to take place with our Lord's return relative to the completion of the antitypical temple and into the eighth day.

9 2 Sam. 7:14; Heb. 12:6, 7; Col. 1:12 What method does the Heavenly Father use to prepare each of His spirit begotten sons to occupy the great position as a stone in the Spiritual Temple of His kingdom?