Puget Sound Bible Students Convention 2016 - Study
Helpful Warnings and Encouraging Thoughts for the Church at the End of the Age
Hilighted answers are suggestions and may not be what the study leader intended.
Sunday – November 6, 2016
Starting References:
R5097 Responsibilities of Christian Citizenship
R5183 The Arch-Enemy of the People of God
R5650 Patient Endurance the Final Test
R5799 Why God has Permitted Satan’s Lying Deceptions
R5815 Upheld in the “Evil Day”
Spiritual Dangers at the End of the Age
1 Are we currently living in the hour of temptation at the end of the Gospel Age? (Rev. 3:10) Explain your answer.
2 Throughout the Gospel Age there were spiritual dangers-are ours any different? List some possible deceptions and/or distractions of our day that might threaten our relationship with the Lord. (2 Tim. 3:1-9)
3 What are the things which will deceive all but the very elect at this time or in the near future? (Matt. 24:20-28) Give scriptures and reasons.
Importance of Faithfulness
4 Why is it important for us to stay on the “old paths” of the Bible and Harvest Message? How can we encourage our brethren to also stay on those old paths? (Jer. 6:16; 2 Tim. 3:14, 15; 1 Tim. 6:20)
5 How can we show God our loyalty to His principles of righteousness and love? How can we demonstrate our confidence in God and all His exceeding great and precious promises in our daily walk? (Heb. 13:5, 6)
6 What are some of the characteristics of Christian character that God looks for in us? Where does patient endurance fit into all of this?
7 If we stumble or should even fall during this testing time, what steps should we take to recover ourselves and return to harmony with our heavenly Father? (1 John 1:9)
8 Give other encouraging thoughts to especially help us guard against the deceptions and trouble during this period of time. (Include references.)