Philippians Chapter 3 [RVIC]

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1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not irksome, but for you it is safe. Rejoice in the Lord – The grand climacteric of Christian experience is this ability to rejoice in all affairs of life; they are under divine supervision. HG374:4

We rejoice in our privilege of election to the high calling, because it means the privilege of sharing in the uplift of the non-elect. NS653:2

2 Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the concision: Beware – Be cautious, careful and watchful--a wholesome dread should keep us continually on guard. R1670:6, R1671:1

The church militant has almost accomplished her warfare; her great foe, seeing his time is short, is industrious to foil God's purpose. R1661:6*

If you find any dogs, don't rub them the wrong way. Q227:2

Of dogs – "His watchmen are blind: they are all dumb dogs. Yea, they are greedy dogs." (Isa. 56:10-11) F287

The great Adversary will oppose our progress, and his emissaries will slander, backbite, and generally seek to injure us. R1751:3

In the Scriptures dogs are generally used as symbols of evil. R1671:1

Apt symbols of a dangerous and wicked class of people--the idler; the filthy, breeding spiritual contagion; the greedy, self-seeking; those that snarl, bite and devour, or treacherously lie in wait to deceive. R1671:1, R1661:6*

Quarrelsome, snappish dispositions, always selfishly seeking their own advantage. R1661:6

Not literal dogs, but figurative dogs--any that have the characteristics of dogs, snapping and barking. Q227:2

Of evil workers – Those given to evil-speaking and evil surmising. R1671:2

Those who are injuring others. Q227:3

Do not have fellowship with them. Q227:3

Of the concision – Those not fully and truly consecrated to God; but who stir up strife and factions in the Church. R1671:2

The influence of the semi-worldly mind is often more subtle, and therefore more dangerous. R1671:2

The dividing spirit, the spirit of contention, which genders unholy strife. R1661:6*

Those who were in opposition to circumcision. Q227:4

3 for we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God, and glory in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh: For we – New Creatures in Christ. R3200:2

Are the circumcision – The real circumcision. R3200:2

Signifies a cutting off--a separation from the flesh, its aims, hopes, desires, etc. R3022:3; HG452:2; NS616:1

Whose circumcision is in the heart. R1671:2; HG452:2

Cutting away from our affections the injurious things. Q227:4

No confidence in the flesh – Or the fleshly relationships. R3200:2

We are to reckon the flesh dead indeed unto sin, and alive toward God and toward the performance of good instead of evil works; but we are not to trust it for a moment. NS174:1

4 though I myself might have confidence even in the flesh: if any other man thinketh to have confidence in the flesh, I yet more:
5 circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; The stock of Israel – Not just the "ten tribes," but "all Israel." C293, R1341:1

6 as touching zeal, persecuting the church; as touching the righteousness which is in the law, found blameless. Concerning zeal – Paul had a religious zeal which led him to persecute Christ and his followers as heretics against the Mosaic institutions. R2823:3

Persecuting the Church – The thought seemed to influence Paul to labor the more diligently. R1885:4

Blameless – Paul was blameless in that he had been trying to keep the Law. As a member of the Jewish nation, he was not blameless because the nation was responsible for the blood of Jesus. Q601:3

Paul would not need to be baptized, for baptism was needful for an outward sinner who wanted to come back into harmony with God. Q602:T

7 Howbeit what things were gain to me, these have I counted loss for Christ. What things – Ambitions, honors, position, power, etc. R5319:2

His being a circumcised Hebrew, his zeal for God and his Law, etc. R1671:5

Home comforts, influence, etc. R832:5, R465:4*

Were gain to me – Valuable. R1656:6

Paul was fitted for a high social and political position, both by birth and education. R133:6, R2729:2, R1656:6, R478:3

Counted loss – He threw them all away after comparing them with the prize of the high calling. R5319:2

Paul's prompt transfer of his affections and desires and everything he possessed to the Lord is a beautiful illustration of those upon whom the Lord shines. NS159:3

8 Yes truly, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but refuse, that I may gain Christ, I count all things – The Apostle had learned to view the present existence as of small value--"Neither count I my life dear unto myself." (Acts 20:24) E337

Earthly favors and advantages. F467; NS79:3

As Jacob forsook his father's house so must we spiritual Israelites forsake all earthly hopes and aims. R5206:2

Earthly possessions and hopes. R4526:1; F467

Our time, our influence, means, opportunities--all earthly things which we have held most sacred and most dear--all we have sacrificed. R2268:4, R3001:4

But loss – Paul counted every other interest and consideration as of no value. R4605:4

The apostles gladly paid the price of the truth. R4526:1

If we suffer losses or injustice in earthly matters let us remember that to us those things are already counted "loss and dross." R1037:6

Daily losing sight of these earthly things, considering them unworthy of notice, hoping they might never again have a place in his heart. HG452:3

Paul was willing to count everything of his previous hopes and ambitions as unworthy of the slightest notice. NS616:2

The heavenly, divine hopes and promises are so glorious that all earthly things fade into insignificance in comparison with them. NS270:6

The knowledge of Christ Jesus – A knowledge of Christ's character, a knowledge of God's grace toward us through him, a knowledge of the plan which centers in him. R3001:4, R1656:6; HG423:5

Not only were the future glories worthy of loss, but even the knowledge of Christ was alone worth the price. R3001:4; CR320:2

Heart sympathy and communion with the Lord. R2037:2; NS616:3

Knowledge of the treasure hid in Christ Jesus. R1656:6

Growth in knowledge of truth is the privilege and the duty of the Christian. The education of the saints will not be complete until they have laid off the flesh, and been made like Christ. R127:3*

You cannot become a servant of the Lord without knowledge. CR320:2

As the Messiah. HG452:3; NS616:2

Far from ignorant of his Saviour, Paul intimates that the more he knew the more he realized the love of God, "manifested in Jesus." NS616:3

I have suffered – In trials, besetments, burdens, sacrifices and sufferings. R643:3

The loss of all – The apostles' preaching did not bring them wealth, but cost them much in self-sacrifice--convincing proof of their sincerity, their honesty. R4526:1

In espousing an unpopular cause, Jesus' followers became objects of hatred and derision and were boycotted socially and every way. R4526:1

Could imply that Paul had been disinherited by his father because of his acceptance of Jesus the Messiah. R2969:1

Every cross seems harder before than after we lay hold to lift it. The Master himself will come the closer and help us. R832:6

At great cost, Paul sought membership in that Body and the superior or chief resurrection it will enjoy. R827:6

Count them – Honor amongst men, favor, influence, etc. R5978:2

All earthly glories and honors and gains. R366:5

Earthly wealth, influence, pleasures. R245:4

Dung – Those who see the prize may count all other hopes as but loss and dross in comparison. A218, NS467

Vile refuse. R5978:2, R478:5, R245:4

If we do not consider it a privilege to experience earthly loss, it must be that we lack the love of God. R245:4

Gladly sacrificing earthly conveniences and comforts that they might have a share in the great work of proclaiming the message of the King. NS467:4

That I may win Christ – Gain a place in the everlasting kingdom of Messiah. R5720:2

Attain divine favor and chief blessing as heir of God and joint-heir with Jesus Christ. R3965:2, R5206:3, R4526:1

Win a membership in that glorious Body. R1512:5, R133:6; HG668:1

Let not this greatest of all gifts slip from us, but let us hold fast to that which we have already attained, and onward press our way. NS339:4

9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of mine own, even that which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith: And – "That I may win Christ and (abiding in him to the end) be found in him" complete at last. R1008:2

Be found in him – A member of the Anointed One. R2729:4; HG230:2

The robe of Christ's righteousness is provided for him who abides in Christ, was chosen in him, walks in him, is built up in him. R1008:2

As members of the Body of Christ. R361:3, R4680:3, R3001:4, R1656:6, R827:6, R643:3; NS214; CR320:3

In the anointed--membership in the Body of that Great Mediator. CR328:6

As a member of the glorious Body beyond the veil--the Bride-- the Lamb's wife, who shall sit with him in his throne. HG230:2

The Father has promised and provided glorious things for Jesus, the great Sacrificer, and all who walk in his footsteps as members of the Royal Priesthood. NS214:2

Which is of the Law – Of the Law covenant. R4680:3

But that which is through the faith of Christ – Where entire consecration to the will of God exists, based on the ransom here expressed, such consecrated ones are in the right way. R479:5

Our standing in God's sight is no longer as sinners, but as sons in Christ. R193:4

Righteousness which is of God – The righteousness of Christ which God imputes to us. CR320:4

By faith – Not by the New (Law) covenant. R4680:4

10 that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming conformed unto his death; That I may know him – Fully. R361:3

That I might be raised as he was raised. R277:4

Paul was desirous of realizing God's love fully, of having intimate heart communion with him, of copying the Son in acts and viewpoint. HG452:4; NS616:3

Might be identified with him. HG230:2

Signifies an "intimate acquaintance" with him--to enjoy more and more of fellowship with him--to really know him, not merely know about him. CR320:4, 5

And the power – Sharing it. R4177:5

Experience the power. R2138:2, R672:4

"All power in heaven and in earth." (Matt. 28:18) R1692:1

Sharing in the power of HIS anastasis--raising to perfection. R361:3

If we are submerged into the will of Christ, we lose ourselves, and the only controlling authority, the power, in this body is its Head; raised in his likeness, we shall know the power of his resurrection. R132:3

The power that not only raised Jesus from the dead, but far above all others--to experience the power, not merely by and by, but now, to rise with Christ, walking with him in newness of life, a New Creature. CR320:6

Of his resurrection – The Church's part in his resurrection will be effected at the second advent of her Lord, as the completion of his resurrection. HG299:5

Our grand hope is that we may share with our Lord in his resurrection of perfection of being on the highest of all planes. NS534:3

After the true Church has finished its course, and been made sharers in his resurrection, their probationary membership in the Church of Christ will shortly be changed to actual membership. E230

As a member of his Body, his Church. F441; R4680:4, R3174:4, R3132:1, R2795:2, R2318:3, R1642:4, R1204:2; NS616:5, R339:1, R52:5

The special resurrection--to the divine nature. R4964:6, R4504:1, R1179:6, R1437:1, R930:4; HG333:6; HG299:5; NS534:3, NS341:3

"Christ's resurrection," the "first" or "chief resurrection." R4588:1, R5105:2, R2797:2, R2138:2, R2051:2, R1642:4, R1260:1, R1179:5, R827:6; E230; F699; HG299:5; NS616:5, ; NS534:3, ; NS341:3; Q309:T

His Body, the Church, is now being born in the end of this Gospel age. R4464:2; CR59:2

"We shall be like him" (1 John 3:2)--our resurrection is a part of "his resurrection"--raised in glory, power, a spiritual body, immortality. R1857:1, R4549:1, R4545:5, R4534:1, R4527:5, R3376:1, R2618:6, R2477:2, R2318:3, R1656:6, R729:5, R206:1, R133:6; CR316:1; NS341:3; Q179:5; SM143:1

The resurrection of the just (Acts 24:15)--"THE resurrection" (Emphasis in the Greek--1 Cor. 15:42; Phil. 3:11)--"the resurrection of (or to) life." (John 5:29) R1854:4, R672:4, R277:3, R205:6; HG334:1

The faithful, overcoming Bride and joint-heir will share with Christ Jesus this resurrection to the highest station. R1642:4

All who share "his death" will also share "his resurrection." R1542:5, R1437:1, R930:4

The resurrection. R1512:6, R1204:2

The "first-fruit" class will be first in order and first in rank because they were associated with Christ in sacrificing now. R1511:2, R1204:2

The first fruits include the Redeemer and all of the Gospel age overcomers. R1437:1; NS341:2

Immersion manifests one's desire to symbolize his death with Christ, his begetting to the new nature, and his hope of full birth to the divine likeness as sharers with Christ in his resurrection. R1302:3, R930:4, R396:2

Fulfilling the exceeding great and precious promises, this resurrection, on which all else depends, occurs during the sound of the seventh trumpet (the last). R1260:1

This first resurrection will precede the general resurrection of all mankind, and have preeminence over it. R1204:2, R1179:6

The choice resurrection. R1179:6

According to the Greek, the "out-resurrection," exanastasis, the selected-out ones, out from among the dead. R1179:6, R672:4, R624:3*; HG230:2

As we review the closing hours of our Redeemer's ministry, we would be profited by a fresh examination of his resurrection, "the firstborn from the dead," "the firstborn among many brethren." R850:3

A resurrection to spiritual being. R729:5, R672:4, R277:3

Called "his" resurrection because he was the first so raised. R277:3

We prefer to sacrifice our humanity because of our faith in God's promise of a higher nature, rather than to share with our human father Adam a restitution to human perfection. R382:6

Jesus' resurrection was the first to be raised completely out of death's control. Will God deliver the Head and not complete the work? (Isa. 66:9) R361:2

Experience the same resurrection as Jesus. R133:6; NS341:3, NS339:1

Different from the human race generally, who will rise to human perfection. HG452:6; NS616:5, NS341:4

Only those who are called of the Lord here in this Gospel age are invited to suffer with him, and then share in his resurrection. HG230:1; R1437:1

The Body is counted as participating with their Lord in the glorious things of his resurrection, which is so different from the resurrection which will come to the remainder of mankind. NS637:3, NS341:3

As we endeavor to walk contrary to the world, temptations will come; and our glorious Master thus fits and prepares us for participation in the first resurrection, "his resurrection." NS228:6

The Church shall share our Lord's reward of glory, honor and immortality and with him shall be the Mediator between God and men. Q179:5

The elect Church, the Royal Priesthood, are to enter upon their priestly office after sharing with Christ in his resurrection. SM143:1

The Great Company will have no part whatever in the first resurrection. R5105:2; Q308:4

Fellowship of his sufferings – The members of his Body fill up the measure of the sufferings of Christ which are behind (Col. 1:24; 1 Pet. 4:13; 2 Cor. 1:7)--these sufferings require all of the Gospel age to complete. T50

Our Lord's Church is to share his reward on condition she share in his cup of suffering and self-sacrifice--share in his baptism into his death. R4549:1, R4680:4, R4504:1, R478:5

The worthiness of consecrated believers to share Christ's name and coming glory depends upon their faithfulness in suffering with him. R827:6

Because glory with him is dependent upon suffering with him, the consecrated will not ask for physical healing. R379:1

The necessary condition of the higher life is the death of the lower one, by the crucifixion of its evil affections and desires. R145:5*

Suffering with Christ involves more than a simple separation from the world. We must be dead to the world; then we shall not love the world or worldly things. R127:3*

While doing the work of Christ during the fifth and sixth thousand-year-days, the Church has also been called upon to suffer with Christ. R92:4*

As Jesus suffered without the gate--"Let us go forth therefore unto him without (outside) the camp, bearing his reproach." R80:3

The fellowship in his sufferings and his death and his resurrection are some of the ways that show our unity with Christ. R30:6*

If you managed to avoid all suffering it would mean that you were not living as you might. CR320:6

Paul considered these sufferings of the present life a privilege. HG452:3

The learning of valuable lessons to fit and qualify us for the work of being kings, priests and judges with our Lord in his coming Kingdom. Q429:4

Being made – By being made. R2138:2, R4964:6

Conformable unto his death – Not only a passive conformity to his disposition or spirit; also an energetic zeal in the promulgation of his truth at all hazards. C207

Not a different death from his, but a similar one--not a death as a sinner, but a sacrificial one. R4680:4; NS339:4

Such full surrender is possible to those only who know him well and have drunk in his spirit. R2138:2

If we suffer with him and endure afflictions even unto death for righteousness' sake, we are counted as sharers of his death. R1542:5

Immersion in water is the beautiful and appropriate symbol of burying the will into the will of Christ, living only unto him. R1278:6

The blood, the wine, the cup, represents death, of which the Church partakes. The flesh is for all the world. R1015:6

As grains of wheat, believers (reckoned perfect by his sacrifice) are invited by Jesus to do as he did, to sacrifice, to lay down all their human rights and privileges, to be made conformable to his death. R729:5

We rejoice to be delivered from Adamic death, but we seek and rejoice to be dead with him. R382:6

During this age, so many of the believers as desire may join themselves to Christ in sacrificing their humanity, and become thereby sharers with him of divinity. R364:1

"Present your bodies"--powers, talents, reputations, all. (Rom. 12:1) The glorious resurrection is only attained by those who consecrate themselves entirely to God's service. R277:4, R206:1

By giving up things not sinful and to which you have a right. R133:2

From the moment we enter into this covenant of death and life, we begin the work of crucifying the human nature, and God begins to develop in us the divine nature by imparting to us the holy spirit. R131:5

To die with him. R117:2*

Paul does not mean that he must die on the cross, but that he must die a sacrificial death; he must lay down in his life in God's service. HG230:3; R1542:5

11 if by any means I may attain unto the resurrection from the dead. By any means – At any cost--any sacrifice. The prize offered during the Gospel age is so infinitely sublime that it is priceless. The advantages of the next age will be favorable, but the prize less valuable. R643:3

By fellowship in his sufferings. R1512:6; NS616:6

By all these earthly sacrifices. R361:3

If seeking truth, and through it the crown, you must come prepared to pay for them. Many desire these things, if they could get them cheap. R672:4

Unto the resurrection – The first or chief resurrection to glory, honor and immortality--divine nature. R1642:4, R4534:1, R4527:5, R1511:2, R1260:2, R277:3, R131:4, R80:3; NS341:3

The world will be granted full opportunity for life everlasting in and by a judgment-resurrection after the special resurrection. R1512:2

One of the most prominent doctrines of the New Testament. R1508:6

Greek, exanastasis, the out-resurrection, the resurrection of the selected-out ones, the chief or choice resurrection. R1179:6, R672:4, R624:2*, R361:3, R131:4

Emphatic article in Greek--the special or chief resurrection. R672:4, R1854:5, R1512:2, R277:3, R205:6; NS616:6

Blessed and holy are all they--the church--the new creatures-- the "little flock"--his Body--that have part in the first (chief) resurrection--the first saved from death--raised spiritual. R364:4

The chief perfecting of the chief class is a special thing which began with Jesus, the Head of The Christ, is shared by the "little flock." R361:2

We know little about the perfection and grandeur and powers of the resurrection, but the second death will have no power on those priests reigning with him a thousand years. (Rev. 20:6) R277:4

Of the dead – Greek emphatic--the special dead. R1854:6, R1881:4

Because Christ redeemed us from the penalty of Adam's death, we can be counted as crucified with Christ, a voluntary sacrifice for the world in him. R128:1*

The resurrection of "the dead in Christ"--provided only for the spirit-begotten members of the Anointed. HG453:1

12 Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect: but I press on, if so be that I may lay hold on that for which also I was laid hold on by Christ Jesus. Not as though I had already attained – Our present union with Christ's Body, though precious, is probationary, and will be confirmed at the close of this life. R1570:3

Apprehended of Christ Jesus – The Lord has laid hold upon us--neither will he let us go so long as our hearts are loyal to him. R4100:5

One object of knowledge is to enable us to "apprehend that for which Christ apprehended us." R85:5*

The Lord laid hold upon Saul (Paul) when he was in a hopeless position--because he was honest-hearted though wrong-headed. HG451:6; NS615:5

Character development and sacrifice are necessary to attain that for which we have been apprehended of the Lord (to show forth his great character to the world of mankind, and to bless them). NS373:2

13 Brethren, I count not myself to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I count not myself – At the time Paul wrote he had not yet reached the standard of character-development. R2753:5

To have apprehended – Grasped the prize to which God called me, and for which I, with you, am running. R1457:6

Paul counted not that he had already attained the mark for the prize, nor that he was already perfect. R1884:3, R1885:3

Though Paul already had this pledge of the inheritance, he said, "I do not reckon myself to have attained it." (Diaglott) R494:1*

To have grasped or taken possession of. NS615:4

This one thing I do – Full consecration will not permit one to study every truth. As those who seek for earthly prizes must give their whole attention to that, so the winning of the heavenly prize demands complete concentration. F139

That was the secret of the Apostle's power. That is why the Lord has used him so much. R5968:1; HG453:2

Paul had one mind or will--he was not a double-minded man. R5081:3

Relaxing our efforts in various directions in order to concentrate our energies upon those things which we can best bring to perfection. R5044:3, R2466:2; F139

Only one real aim or purpose in life, bending all energies to serve the Lord, the brethren, the truth. R2951:2, R5044:3, R2466:2

The fruit-bearing of works is not to be understood as the principal thought; the first thought is that we should have the fruits and graces of the spirit brought to maturity. R2466:2

The Father's business. R2222:2

In this singleness of purpose, Paul was relieved of many temptations. R1885:4, R478:6

We are not to be distracted by modern theorizings, fancied new light, prosperity, or the cares of this world. R526:1

Doing the will of God. R479:1

"Seek ye first (chiefly) the Kingdom of God." (Matt. 6:33) R479:4

"No man can serve two masters." (Matt. 6:24) "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." (Jas. 1:8) R478:2

Implies: (1) There was one all important thing which was worthy of his whole life, of his very best endeavors. (2) Any division of his interests, a scattering of his powers, would be detrimental. CR35:1; F139

All Paul's energy was applied to God's service out of a faithful heart, not from slavish fear; and the goal became ever brighter. HG453:2

Forgetting those things – Forgetting my former ambitions as a student, my former hopes as a Roman citizen. F139; R5319:2

We forget the things that are behind because God forgets them. R3306:1

Let us not over-estimate the earthly. He that putteth his hand to the plow and looketh back is not fit for the Kingdom. (Luke 9:62) R1263:4

No "looking back" like Lot's wife, forgetting old hopes, aims, ambitions. R478:6, R901:6

However unwisely, however foolishly, we have neglected the heavenly calling in the past, there is still time to run in the race. NS265:5

Let the old nature with all its interests, die daily. Q613:3

Our father's house is the world. As the Lord's Bride, we join a new family. We must forget our old family. SM261:T

Which are behind – There are some who weep for the past, when they should be rejoicing for the future. R3649:3

The lessons we learn from experiences should be kept in memory, but need not be mourned over, for the merit of Christ's sacrifice covers all unwilling blemishes and mistakes. R3649:3; HG453:5

The treasures of the past or the blindness. R1885:4

If we keep looking at the things behind, we lose sight of the heavenly things. R1263:4

The house and family to which we formerly belonged. SM261:T

Reaching forth unto those things – Seek new conquests over the world and flesh and devil. R901:6

Fill our minds only with those aims and hopes which are laid up in reservation for us. R478:6

The heavenly glories which belong to the future are made so real, so precious to the truly consecrated, that they more than fill the losses and sacrifices of this present time an hundredfold. NS271:1

Think mostly about the blessings and the glorious hope. Q613:3

Which are before – Joint-heirship with the Lord in the blessing of the world. F140

In the promises of God's Word. R5968:1

Paul's faith took hold of the promises of God with such tenacity that to him they were living realities. R1885:5

The real work of bruising the serpent and blessing the nations belongs to an age after Christ comes and gathers his Church to himself and to a share of his glory. R99:5*

The better things, the things of God--seeking a place in the divine favor. NS265:6

14 I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. I press – Along the "Narrow Way." A218

It will encourage us to note the marks on our way, and to perceive our progress--if we are coming nearer to the mark which wins the prize. R2754:1

As runners must positively declare their intention, so must we make a covenant with the Lord. As it is not the prize toward which racers run, but the mark, so too the Christian. R2753:5

The Apostle has in mind foot-races. As racers must enter in a legitimate manner, so must we get on our race-course through faith in the precious blood. R2753:6

By: (1) avoiding self-satisfaction, (2) singleness of purpose, (3) forgetting the things behind, (4) good habit of thought (Phil. 4:8), (5) energetic zeal. R1885:2-6

The narrow way leading to the royal priesthood is a difficult way, and few have ever found it; but they will in due time receive the crown because they have pressed forward for the prize of the high calling. R33:5*

We are not to content ourselves as babes in Christ, nor with the milk diet suitable to that age, but should go on unto perfection. R1906:6

Toward – Down upon. F140

Those who turn aside from the true and only Gospel are quickly turned out of the way, or else are hindered in their course toward "the prize." R5126:5

We are going on. We have no disposition to go back. R1071:4

The mark – Of perfect love, where our Lord always stood--attained by us by making a consecration and passing through the four stages of: (a)duty love to God, our Lord Jesus, and man; (b)love for God because of his glorious character; (c) love for the brethren, which overlooks their imperfections; (d) perfect love, toward God, our brethren, all men--which includes even our enemies. F187-F189, F369-F371; R2879:5, R2755:1, 2, R2754:3-6

Few have reached the mark; the measure of our zeal and love will be indicated to God and to brethren by the speed with which we attain it. F373

We attain the mark of perfect love gradually. R5172:2, R3645:4

Having reached this character-development, it is for us to stand faithful--"having done all, to stand." (Eph. 6:13) R5081:2, R5082:1, R2755:5; F369; Q456:T

Heart-likeness to God's dear Son; perfection of intention; love for righteousness, for God, for the brethren, for the world, even our enemies. R5080:1

Crystallization of character in the likeness of our Lord. The mark of crystallized character is not attained so early as is the mark of character-development. R5080:1

This mark of perfection is not a mark of fleshly perfection. R4470:1; Q458:T, Q449:3, Q50:3

No Christian should be satisfied with a long delay in reaching the mark. R4470:5; Q456:T

Our Lord was tested at the mark of perfect love. The severest temptations come after we have reached the mark. R4470:5; F373; Q456:T

The same character or disposition of love that God possesses and that was manifested by our Lord Jesus. R2754:1, R4837:2; Q456:T

That holiness which brings every thought into captivity to the will of God. (2 Cor. 10:5) R1885:1

The line marked out by our Head and Fore-runner. R965:4

When we reach the mark of perfect love, a crown is ours, we are overcomers. Q50:3

Keep your eye on the mark. R99:5*

The mark of character development, the mark of perfect love, once attained must be maintained. A deviation might be restored to the prize, but could lead to the Great Company or second death. Q455:2

Whoever will receive eternal life on any plane will have to come to the mark of perfect love--the Little Flock, the Great Company, the restitution class. Q449:3, Q50:3

For the prize – The "Narrow Way" is a special way leading to a special prize. A218

Those who strive to live in full harmony with God, seeking by prayer and study to ascertain his will, shall win the promised prize. R5687:3

Some will be more than overcomers and will receive the prize. R5319:2

If we fall away from the condition of perfect love, we shall lose the prize. R5172:2

It is not the prize that we run toward, but the mark. The prize is entirely beyond our grasp. R2753:3,6

Joint-heirship with God's Son. R2753:6, R2755:2

The true Church is laboring not merely for a blessing, but for the blessing. R2415:6

"Press toward the mark (of character) for (the attainment of) the prize." R1886:4, R2754:1, R2138:2

Press on for the heavenly prize. R99:5*

Of the high calling – A call to glory, honor and immortality. (2 Pet. 1:3; Rom. 2:7) F92, F91; R5459:1, R4855:4

The calling of this present Gospel age is a "high calling," a "heavenly calling." (Heb. 3:1) F67; R5772:2, R5459:1, R211:1*; CR392:1; HG333:5; NS340:6, ; NS69:4; Q436:1

All the Gospel Church are called to heavenly conditions; and therefore they are cut off from their earthly rights as men. R5023:2; Q436:1

The condition upon which it is offered is the giving up of everything that we have. R4796:2

The Church is called to a high station--now to suffer with Christ, that she may in due time reign with him. R4616:3

"Partakers of the divine nature." (2 Pet. 1:4) R1585:3, R4855:4

The "holy calling." (2 Tim. 1:9) R659:5*, R447:5*; HG333:5; Q436:1

Oh! that all Christians might have "the eyes of their understanding enlightened," that they might "know what is the hope of his calling." R25:4*

The high calling is a part of God's loving plan of the ages, a part of his systematic work which reveals his wisdom, power and love. R21:6*

A special salvation, a "high calling," is referred to as "so great salvation," which our Lord provided for the "elect." NS652:5

This call, privilege, is offered during the entire Gospel age, and to each faithful one, not just the clergy. NS615:6

God during this Gospel age has proclaimed a special calling for a special class of the human family, called a little flock, to whom is specially granted the hearing ear and the understanding heart. NS340:5

The book of life now open is for the overcomers of the present, called in advance of the world; the world of mankind during the Millennium will also be interested in a book of life, but not the same one. NS69:4

In Christ Jesus – The result of belief in Christ as the Redeemer is justification. The justified human nature must be presented to God a living sacrifice. This is the basis required to seek the high calling. R659:5*, R447:5*

15 Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye are otherwise minded, this also shall God reveal unto you: As be perfect – Perfect-willed, at the mark of perfect love. R4153:6, R1892:3

Perfect in heart, will. R1892:3

Standing complete in Christ. R479:4

The "Body" figure shows the possibility of the perfect thing growing or maturing in perfection. Thus, as members of the Body we are perfect in Christ from the very first. R398:1

Be thus minded – Seek the "one thing" (vs. 13)--the prize; forget those things behind. R479:4

"As many, therefore, as are perfect should be of this mind." (Diaglott) R478:6

If in any thing – "If in any other thing." (Diaglott) R479:4, R478:6

Ye be otherwise minded – "You think differently." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R479:4, R478:6

Paul seems to mean that though consecrated ones might hold minor errors, it was only a question of time when they would come to appreciate the truth. R479:4, R1573:1

All led by the same Spirit may and do come to a knowledge of the same truth. R458:5, R1573:1

Reveal even this unto you – If one is honest--if he has become dead to self, to the world, and alive toward God. F449

In due season. F449; NS54:6

16 only, whereunto we have attained, by that same rule let us walk.

Let us walk by the same rule – Under our Captain, all the truly sanctified are closely united by the spirit of Christ in faith, hope and love; and are moving in solid battalions for the accomplishment of his purposes. R458:5

Mind the same thing – If any differ in their judgment of the Lord's will, they should differ in love, and endeavor by prayer and study and by earnest endeavor to purify their hearts to come speedily to the unity of the faith. R1892:3

Even if some see and believe more elaborately than others. R1573:1

It is one thing to love all God's children though entangled in sects, and another to avoid the meshes of their captivity. R1130:6*

Paul urges all to unity of the faith and purpose. R458:5, R1130:6*

17 Brethren, be ye imitators together of me, and mark them that so walk even as ye have us for an ensample. Be followers together of me – "Become joint-imitators of me." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R914:6

None should follow us, except as they discern that we are following the Master. R2433:5

"Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." (1 Cor. 11:1) R1886:4

It would be well for each to examine himself to see how like, or unlike, his course is to that of Paul. R478:3

Paul sets himself as at the head of those who are living properly, and exhorts all to follow and imitate him. R366:5

Mark them – "Watch those." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R914:6

The Apostle recommends us to observe those who walk according to Scriptural rules--properly combative, properly meek. R1041:1

For an ensample – "Pattern." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R914:6

Every Christian should strive to be a pattern worthy of imitation. R1886:1

So assured was Paul of his own continuous faithfulness he could say this. R1884:6

The apostles were noble examples of faithfulness, zeal, patience, endurance, and true Christian fortitude and heroism. R1884:6, R641:5, R463:6

Jesus' life and death were much more than valuable examples for us to follow. The prophets and apostles were examples but could not redeem. R463:6

18 For many walk, of whom I told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Weeping – Paul's grief was of an unselfish heart yearning over the salvation of others. R1886:5

True love was the cause for Paul's comment here--love for truth, love for God, and love for the people who were being deceived by the error. R439:2

If Paul had covered the truth, shielded error, or failed to warn an erring brother against the encroachments of the enemy, he would have been an unfaithful steward and lost his stewardship. R416:1*

The enemies – They have gone into error, out of the court condition. R5259:1

All under-shepherds who do not echo the Chief Shepherd's words and do not have his spirit of meekness and simplicity. R1536:5

To exercise human judgment in condemning others would be wrong; but to apply the judgment of God as expressed in his Word is right. R664:2*, R416:2*

False Christians. R366:5, R2135:3

The cross of Christ – Denying a ransom from the condition and penalties of a fall, they are denying the very center of the Gospel--the very essence of Christianity. R2135:3, R2147:3, R423:1

19 whose end is perdition, whose god is the belly, whose glory is in their shame, who mind the earthly things. Whose end – There surely will be some lost as well as some saved. R3083:2

If they pursue that course to the end. R914:6

Is destruction – "The wages of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23) R1085:5, R1298:2*

The penalty of wilful sin is death--destruction. HG305:6

Not everlasting life in torment. R1085:3, R1298:2*; SM314:2

Not eternal torment, but destruction. Compare 2 Thess. 1:9, Rom. 9:22, 1 Tim. 6:9, 2 Pet. 2:1, 2 Pet. 3:16, and John 3:16. HG163:1

Whose God is their belly – Suffering because of gluttony is not suffering because of Christ. F634

Their appetite. R366:5

Living for earthly honors and the good things for their stomachs. CR297:5

There is a blessing in self-denial--self-restraint--fasting. Even worldly intelligent people eat and drink in harmony with their ambitions. Gluttony stupefies intellect and higher goals. NS453:4

Glory is in their shame – No man can make commendable progress toward perfection in any direction who does not recognize his shortcomings. If we say we see, our blindness remains; if we say we are wise, our ignorance remains. R2094:4*

Who mind earthly things – We are not to expect this class to appreciate holy, heavenly things. R2589:6

Giving effort, time, attention, and interest to them. R1103:6

Which they covenanted to sacrifice. R1041:1

Who are engrossed with earthly things. R914:6

Who make the earthly interests the chief concern of life. SM329:1

20 For our place of citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: For our conversation is in heaven – As representatives and ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) we should feel both the dignity and the honor of the position and the responsibilities. R3330:2

While still living in the world we are not of it (John 17:16), but have transferred our allegiance and citizenship to the heavenly Kingdom. R3330:2, R1096:5*, R424:3, R362:5

"Your citizenship is in heaven." Revised Version (et al) R3179:6, R2039:3, R1103:5; NS102:2

Therefore, under the kingdom of this world the saints have a right to expect only such rights and privileges as are accorded to aliens and foreigners. R1103:5

Literally, community--the government or polity in which we are sharers. R1102:1, R1096:3*

We who have consecrated our lives to God must be about our Father's work. Going into politics is to enter a crooked path of the enemy. R1096:5*

Our citizenship is of the heavenly Kingdom, therefore we should be diligent to learn its language. R1062:6*

"Our concern (interest) is with heaven; [We are not minding earthly things]." (Murdoch's translation from the Syriac.) R366:6

The Church should stand aloof from governments and their opposers. "We are not of this world." (John 17:16) God is raising up his great army, the masses of the world, who know him not but who will overturn evil. R362:5

"Set your affections on things above and not on things of the earth." Am I living for the flesh, or for the spirit? Am I ignoring or neglecting the interests of the spiritual existence? NS102:2

We look for the Saviour – "And so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thes. 4:17) Diaglott footnote on Phil. 1:23. Paul was looking for the Savior's return from heaven. F671; R1827:1*

"From thence we expect our vivifier, our Lord, Jesus the Messiah;" (Murdoch's translation from the Syriac.) R366:6

21 who shall fashion anew the body of our humiliation, that it may be conformed to the body of his glory, according to the working whereby he is able even to subject all things unto himself. Who shall change – Transform. R1096:4*

The natural body is changed by the power of the spirit indwelling. R66:2*

"We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed." (1 Cor. 15:51) The contrast between the two conditions is great and clearly marked. R41:3*

Our vile body – Both individually and collectively the Church in the flesh is now "in dishonor," (1 Cor. 15:43) in disesteem--our body is at present a "body of humiliation." (Diaglott) F728, R2064:5, R1768:5, R1102:2, R315:6*

Our ignoble body. R1102:4, R1103:4

"The body of our abasement." (Murdoch) R366:6

The natural body. R66:2*

Refers to the Church as a whole, not to individuals--a body, or company, that is despised of men, a humiliated body--"We are counted as the filth and offscouring of the earth." (1 Cor. 4:13) R5579:5, R1103:4, R1102:2, R827:6, R366:5

Now the Church is merely the "espoused virgin," called to Brideship, in her body of humiliation--not yet the Bride in glorious garments. HG448:6

Like unto his glorious body – Paul desired to be with the Lord at once, but knew the second coming could not occur soon. F672

At the second coming the humiliation of the Church will cease--it will no longer be reviled, but glorified. R5579:6

We shall be his glorious Body, or his Body in glory. R4602:2

Not the body that died, with wounds and imperfections--"We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is," 1 John 3:2, not as he was. R2479:4, R277:4, R206:1; HG513:6

The reward of "overcomers," those who delight to do God's will, who do not need to be whipped into an appreciation of right and wrong. R1669:3

With Christ in his Kingdom, kings and priests unto God, the "seed" of promise through whom all the families of the earth shall be blessed. R1505:5

A condition suitable to its real character, and the high position it is destined to fill as the Bride of Christ. R1102:2

Joined in dominion and heirship with Jesus to partake of his divine, immortal nature, being raised spiritual bodies. R569:3, R4071:3, R18:2

"That it may have the likeness of the body of his glory." (Murdoch's translation from the Syriac.) R366:6

He comes at his second advent in a glorious body, and his Church will have a second birth of the same kind as his. R261:2

As the risen Christ was invisible to mortals except when he appeared for special reasons, so we will be likewise invisible. R237:1*

We are thus changed in order that our installment in official power with him may follow--symbolically called marriage. R172:3

This will be when we shall be exalted to his throne and sit with him. Jesus cannot appear with us in glory until we are glorified with him. R169:3*

There is a distinction between the terms "nature" and "form." Those who in this age become partakers of the divine nature have the assurance that we shall be like him. R89:2

The espoused virgin shall be "changed" in the First Resurrection, and thereafter be the "Glorious Body," the Glorious Bride. HG802:6*

According to the working – According to the energy--God given. R1768:5*

By "a process of divine chemistry which, we may not fully understand." R146:1*

Whereby he is able – By virtue of the power vested in him. A92

Subdue all things – With the power, authority, and rulership meant by sitting at Jehovah's right hand, Jesus will come for the purpose of subduing all things. A92

All the families of the earth shall be blessed. (Gen. 28:14) R1505:4

Jesus and his Church will doubtless be the active agents of Jehovah. R286:2

Clad in his robes of glory, the high priest of the Tabernacle represented Messiah, empowered to bless mankind. PD36/47

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