1 John Chapter 4 [RVIC]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Every spirit – Mind or theory. R651:6

Influence--doctrine. R371:2, 651:6

Every doctrine amongst men. This has no reference to spirit beings. R2180:1,4; E295

Believe not every dream, but test the dream--whether it be of God or not. R3144:4

We are warned against those who claim to see the Lord in the secret chamber--against all spirit-mediums. R1947:1

But try – Test, prove. Not by their outward appearance and claims, but by the Word of God. E187; R371:2

Receive nothing with blank, unquestioning minds. F232; R1524:4

Every one presenting himself as a teacher and claiming to be a servant of the truth, is to be tried, tested, as to whether he is preaching truth or error. The Word of God is to be the standard. E295

To prove the testimony. F232; R1524:4

It is a duty to decide whether the doctrine is Scriptural or unscriptural. R651:6

The Apostle places the responsibility where God placed it--on the ecclesia. F278

We advocate no general rejection of healings and miracles as being Satanic; but a careful scrutiny of every person or system seeking to establish itself by miracles. Test them and deal with them accordingly. F638

Give no support to that false caution which never fully believes anything, and is never grounded. R651:6

"If any speak not according to this Word it is because there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20); and "from such turn away F278

The spirits – Teachings and teachers. F278

The teachings, the doctrines. R5913:5, 1947:1, 651:6; E295, E297

The doctrines that present themselves to us, claiming to be of the spirit of truth. E187

Of God – Whether they be holy or evil, of God or of the Evil One--the Spirit of truth or the spirit of error. E295; R2180:4

Of God and the holy Spirit, or of Satan and the spirit of antichrist. E297; F638

2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: Christ is come – "Has come."--Goodwin's Greek Grammar. E298; R1993:6*

Greek, eleeluthota. R149:1*; E297

Greek, erkomai, came. R144:1, 909:2

Erchomai is the root word from which eleluthota is derived. E297

The word eleluthota is the accusative, singular, masculine, of the second perfect participle of the verb erchomai, having the same relation to this verb that any other perfect participle has to its verb. R1993:6*; E298

The context proves beyond peradventure that an occurrence of the past is referred to. (Verses 14 and 15) E298; R1993:6, 909:2, 148:6*, 144:1

In the flesh – He "was made flesh." (John 1:14) E297

Is of God – Tending in the right direction. E296

3 and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God: and this is the spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it cometh; and now it is in the world already. Every spirit – Theory, doctrine. R980:4, 981:5

That confesseth not – Which denies. E296

The test which will prove whether or not any faith is well founded--on the Rock--the true and only basis of faith--"Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 3:11) R981:5

Jesus Christ – Jesus the Lord. R980:4

The world does not confess Jesus to be "Lord." and few of the professed Christian systems are ready to confess that Jesus came in flesh. R980:4

It is claimed by many that, in our Lord Jesus' case, he was really and truly the Father, Jehovah, who thus for a time appeared in flesh, but that he himself was not flesh. R980:4

Is come – This was the only thing necessary to combat in that day. People believed that Jesus had lived, but denied his being the Christ, as the same class of anti-christs do today who deny that "Jesus is the Son of God." R144:4

John is not discussing the second coming of Jesus, but is endeavoring to prove his having come once. R144:1

In the flesh – Became flesh (holy, undefiled) in order to pay the price or penalty against us--death. R981:2

The affirmation or denial of Messiahs having come in the flesh was and still is a sure test--the ransom test stated in one of its forms: every doctrine that denies it is an active opponent of the truth. E296, E299

All who believe that Christ is a man since his resurrection and that he will come a second time as a man, are thereby denying the ransom. E299

Is not of God – By this test all so-called "Orthodox" doctrines are condemned, because none believe that our Lord literally came in the flesh --"Was made flesh." (John 1:14) R980:6

The theory of Universalists, Unitarians, Swedenborgians, Spiritists, etc., is opposed to Jesus being "made flesh." R980:6

Is that spirit – The theory. R980:4, 981:5

Disposition; influence. E187, E188

Of antichrist – Against Christ. E296; R371:2, 143:2

This word occurs five times, and only in John's epistles; and applies to anything or any person opposing Christ. R143:2

Not a sinful individual, but an organized body--the counterfeit nominal system, the "Man of Sin." (2 Thes. 2:3) R980:2

Never applied to the world, but always to professed Christians who have turned aside from the truth, and by becoming advocates or error, are in Christ's name opposing him, his followers, and his doctrines. R980:1

"Anti" means more than against, it contains the double thought of instead and against. R980:1

This doctrine or spirit of antichrist known as that of the trinity, is so firmly intrenched in the hearts of many, that they prefer to deny that Christ came in flesh and gave himself a ransom. R981:4; E297

Even now already – John recognized the tendency or spirit of antichrist in his day. Though the system had not organized, some were already going out from them because not of them, denying Jesus "in flesh." R981:4; E297

Many of God's children have been blinded, and while not anti or opposed to Christ at heart, have been beguiled by Satan's falsities, promulgated even in the Apostle's days and brought to a climax in Papacy. R981:5

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Greater is he – The Lord of hosts is with us. His promises, as well as his providences, are walls of salvation and protection on every hand. R1653:5

Opposition of evil can work only good to "the elect," those who are called according to God's purpose. "No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper." (Isa. 54:17) R1956:2

Charmed with the prospect of being joint-heirs with Christ, these are not daunted by the trials and difficulties of the way. Fear not, "I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) HG652:2

That is in you – With you--for you. R5488:6

The power tendered to all who earnestly undertake the work of ruling one's spirit is none other than the almighty arm of God. R5488:6

From the moment of our positive resistance of temptation and positive standing up for the Lord and his cause, we become stronger in the Lord and in the power of his might. R4814:1

In the world – The powers of the world, flesh and devil are closely allied, and therefore, he who plans for conquest and an established reign thereafter, must seek alliance with another and stronger power. R5488:6

Not merely flesh and blood, but principalities and powers and wicked spirits in high positions of power. (Eph. 6:12) R4813:6

All they that be against you. R5488:6, 4814:1, 1956:2, 1653:5

5 They are of the world: therefore speak they as of the world, and the world heareth them. Are of the world – Are really of the world, though professing otherwise. R980:1

They of the world – According to the spirit of the world. R980:1

6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he who is not of God heareth us not. By this we know the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

Heareth us – Obeys our instructions, our teachings. E284

The spiritually minded would receive the Lord's counsel through his mouthpieces--the apostles. R1822:2

The spirit of truth – The spirit of God, the Spirit of holiness, is a spirit of joy and peace; it leads to faith in God's promises. The Spirit of truth leads to activity and energy in the divine cause. E199

God is true and righteous, hence the spirit of God is called the "spirit of truth." R370:5

The spirit of error – Erroneous doctrines; not a person. E187

Leads to unbelief, credulity, superstition and believing things which God has not spoken and which are unreasonable; a "spirit of slumber." (Rom. 11:8) E199

Satan is recognized as the chief or prince of evil during the present time, and his influence or spirit is exercised in his servants. R370:6

Or the influence which error exerts. R370:6

7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is begotten of God, and knoweth God. Let us love – The final test of character is love--in deed and in truth. R4524:4

Every one that loveth – Is love then not important? Think of these things, meditate on them, grow in love. R32:1*

Is born of God – Greek, genao. When the active agent with which it is associated is male, it should be translated begotten. A278; R837:1

8 He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love. Knoweth not God – There is a kind of knowledge that cannot be gained from books, but comes by experiences as a fruit of the indwelling Spirit of God. R78:5

We cannot know God without loving him and those who bear his likeness, for we are taught of God to love one another. R493:4*

For God is love – In the Scriptures the word love is used to express the complete whole of the grand and glorious qualities which make up the perfection of Jehovah. God is the personification of love. R5124:1; NS524:4

Love also is the special characteristic of our Redeemer. R4460:5

Shown in that he made provision, not only that believers might be saved, but also that all might hear in order to believe. A104; OV225:T; HG343:6

This is the grand expression of the Bible--the keynote of Christianity. It is the foundation of the great plan of creation and redemption, and the underlying principle in the structure of the Word of God. R9:2*

God is love, our Lord Jesus is love; and when the Church is perfect, each member of the Body will also be love. R5124:1

When man is restored to the image of God, man also will be a living expression of love. R2607:4

Shown in the glorious doctrine of the restitution of all things. R659:4*, 447:4*

The very highest of God's attributes--in the sense that it implies something more than justice. SM432:3; R5978:4, 5172:1, CR446:3

God's Spirit must partake of all the qualities which go to make up love. R5094:3

God is the very personification of love, yet he has been provoked at times. Lack of ability to have just indignation would imply lack of morals and of harmony with God. R5124:6

A person who is indifferent to matters of right and wrong is indifferent to the character of God, who is in opposition to all forms of iniquity. R5125:1

As it is impossible to fully describe God in his greatness, so it seems impossible to fully describe all that would be comprehended in the word love. R5265:5

This great principle controls in the hearts of the Lord's people, despite the weaknesses of the flesh, which prevent its full expression. R5124:1

Without which none will get the prize of the high calling. R5172:1

Our Father does not expect us to develop perfection of love in the flesh. R5124:2

God was just when he condemned the race of Adam. In due time, he provided the Redeemer--this was love. SM433:T

This feature of his character is not clearly exhibited in the Old Testament scriptures. R5275:3

Love is always kind--cannot willfully injure another--it makes us very patient with those with whom we are associated; it is anxious to throw the mantle of charity over everything that seems to be wrong. R5124:3,6, 5125:2

In proportion as love controls our minds and hearts, we shall feel sympathy for those who are in iniquity. Love is patient and tries to find extenuating circumstances and conditions. R5125:2, 1845:2

God is the very personification of sympathy and love. R5417:1

First through providing the Savior, then making provision for the Church. SM433:1

Love represents the full standard of the golden rule and the full character of God. R5308:6

This is the standard for all whom he will acknowledge as his children on either the heavenly or the earthly plane of perfect existence. R4479:2

A thought peculiar to the teachings of the Bible--the heathen religions seem to recognize nothing of this kind. R5275:3

To grow in this grace of love of God necessarily implies a growth also in love toward mankind; and especially toward those who are in sympathy and harmony with righteousness. R2757:2

The degree of love, the strength of love, can be measured by the ease with which we can be aroused, to impatience or anger. R5185:2

The fear of future torment is the principal incentive held out to induce men to come to God. R659:4*, 447:4*

9 Herein was the love of God manifested in us, that God hath sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him. In this – Few realize the great act of justice accomplished in the sentencing of father Adam and his race to death; and few appreciate the death of Christ as the full offset for Adam's sin, the full ransom. R2713:5, 496:1; CR209:3; NS17:1

By meeting for man the penalty inflicted by justice (death) love forever releases mankind from the Adamic curse. R685:6, 10:1*; NS17:1

Because of the suffering which it cost him to thus sacrifice the dearest treasure of his heart. R1833:6

Was manifested – Although it had existed all along. E451

The Redeemer provided a redemption coextensive with the fall and with the condemnation. R3321:2, 2713:5

The first blessing that comes to us, as the eyes of our understanding open and we come to some knowledge of the divine character and love, is that we realize the higher type of love--the love of God. R2648:3

When we believe the "good news" of our justification, it causes us joy and peace to realize that we may now come to God. R199:5

God had revealed his justice and his power, but his love was never manifested before. R3658:4, 3321:2, 2225:3, 2120:6, 2070:5; HG298:5

When love had ransomed man, and was ready to reveal itself by restoring mankind to harmony with God, wisdom postponed it that an interlude might occur to select the Church to ultimately enhance love's glory. We are living in the day when power begins to act, in harmony with wisdom, justice and love, in crushing out sin and evil and legally removing the penalty of sin and dominion of evil, cancelled through the ransom paid by Jesus. R1681:4

Give the full weight to the word manifest. The angels never had an illustration of God's mercy, but his justice, in their case of condemning in darkness. The first illustration was the same that came to mankind. Q564

The love of God – God never fully manifested his love and mercy to the world until our Lord's first advent. R5299:5, 1681:4; E451; NS510:4

When Christ came and suffered and died, the just for the unjust, the beautiful, divine quality, love, was made manifest. R2120:5

God's love has been manifested only once, namely, in the ransom. God has loved the world always; but his love has been vailed, not manifested, except by this one act. R864:1

His great love and pity is seen the more clearly as we mount it upon the background of unbending justice, which could in no wise clear the guilty, even though pitied and loved. R504:1, 1328:2*, 685:6, 387:2; NS17:1, 863:2

God's love began to be revealed eighteen hundred years ago, but not seeing all of the plan, few rightly appreciate the love. HG298:5; NS462:5

For over four thousand years only the severity, the justice, of the divine character was manifested. R3321:2, 2120:5, 1681:2; NS462:5, 863:3

The wisdom of the Lord's plan will not be appreciated until the blessings come to all the billions which justice condemned, and which loved redeemed. God's power will be seen later in the Millennial Day. HG298:6; R2120:5

Toward us – God's love has not yet been manifested to the world in general--only to a small number as yet, and it is seen by them only with the eye of faith. R3862:2

God sent – To be our redemption price. R2713:5

Only begotten Son – The Logos was the only direct creation of the Father. E88; R1609:3

"He was in the beginning (of creation) with God." (John 1:2) R1609:3

Jesus was God's Son before he came into the world, and, as God's Son, he was given a mission in the world to perform. E88

The belief that Jesus, the Son of Man, was also the Christ, the Son of the living God, lies at the very foundation of Christianity--on it the Church was to be built. R944:4*

We might live – Opening up a way by which God could still be just yet the justifier of sinners who believe in Jesus as their ransom. R496:1

Through him – The Son. R9:6*

10 Herein is love, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be an atonement for our sins. Herein is love – Love provided the ransom. R324:5, 1059:1, 709:3

He loved us – God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5

Love begets love. If we would open another's heart, we have to lay bare our own. God acts upon this principle; and God manifest in flesh was an embodiment of it. R1322:5

The knowledge of the mercy and love of God should draw our hearts to him and incline us to love him in return, and to seek to do those things which would please him. HG451:3; NS615:3

He loved us before we loved him. When we were without strength, when there was no arm to save. R31:3*

It was a responsive love that came into your heart. CR463:5

Contrary to the thought of Orthodoxy that God is an angry Father. R405:3*, 290:2*, 9:2*

Sent his Son – As the Great King God gave a great gift, because of mankind's great need. Nothing less would have availed for our relief, and manifested the opulence of the divine mercy and love. NS609:4

This gift has been more or less appreciated by mankind and is celebrated by the Christmas festivities of Christendom with more or less sympathetic intelligence. NS609:3

EThe propitiation – Greek, hilasmos, satisfaction. E442; T124; R4982:2, 2225:4, 1256:3, 881:1, 864:2, 641:1, 563:3

The definition of hilasmos by able Greek scholars is: "What appeases, or propitiates." R420:3, 641:1

Satisfaction or appeasement. R1681:4, 864:2

Covering. R709:3

The death of "the man Christ Jesus" was our ransom, or corresponding price by which a satisfaction of the divine law was effected. R1256:3, 10:1*

By his paying our penalty we might be released from death--have a right to life--to a resurrection. R563:3

The atonement is based upon the sacrifice made by the High Priest, who "offered up himself." The Church's share in the atonement is a reckoned one. The merit in God's sight as the ransom lay in the sacrifice which our Lord Jesus offered. R2052:2

11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. Love one another – Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

12 No man hath beheld God at any time: if we love one another, God abideth in us, and his love is perfected in us: Hath seen God – Means that no man ever saw the person of God. In the Old Testament it speaks how that at various times he was seen, but that was through a representative (an angel). Q360:1, 2

Love one another – There should be something about the character of the Lord's people which would demonstrate on all occasions that they possess true love for one another. R4849:3

The love required of members of the Body of Christ is a love resulting from mutual relationship to the Lord--quite different from the human or animal love, such as the members of a family have for one another. R4849:3

We should love all of the brethren all of the time, and overlook their frailties and imperfections, forgiving one another as God, for Christ's sake, overlooks our blemishes. R4849:6

Where fervent love rules in the heart it implies that the heart is fully submitted to the Lord, and that means that nine-tenths of the battle is already won. R4850:4

"Love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12) To do this would be far mdown our lives for one another. This is far beyond any requirement of the Law. R4850:2

It is an evidence that God dwelleth in us. Love for the brethren--for those who have the Spirit of God, especially, but in a general way at least a sympathetic love for all mankind. R2649:2

If we have not love in our heart for the brethren, and the love of gentleness and benevolence toward all men, and even toward the brute creation, we have not the spirit in making necessary sacrifices. R4850:3

We are to press on and make our sacrifice, if possible, larger every way to the Lord and the brethren. R4850:5

God dwelleth – It is an evidence that God dwelleth in us. R2649:2

Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us, because he hath given us of his spirit. R32:1*

And – And that. R2649:2

Love is perfected – No one can be of the "elect" class unless this love be perfected in him. Although not gaining a full control of the flesh, he must reach the place where he will be perfect in intention. R4850:1

As we learn to love one another the love of God is being perfected in us. R4849:6

13 hereby we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. Him – God. R5536:6

Of his Spirit – It is from the Father and by the Son. R5537:1

His love. R1164:1

14 And we have beheld and bear witness that the Father hath sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. To be the Saviour – "Savior" signifies "lifegiver." CR321:1

Our Lord Jesus acts as the representative of the Father in the work of salvation. E35

Of the world – Jesus is not the Savior merely of the Church. R5108:3

Those who believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust, speak of the whole world in exactly the same way that they speak of those who have slept in Christ. R5108:3

But in the awakening, those of the world who are asleep in Jesus will have the earthly nature, and those who have slept in Christ will have the higher nature. R5108:4

15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God abideth in him, and he in God. The Son of God – People believed that Jesus had lived, but denied his being the Christ, the Sent of God; as the same class of anti-Christ's do today who deny that Jesus is the Son of God. R144:4

God dwelleth in him – The provisions of God's grace are not only those of the future; we are actually being transformed today, by this love of the Father. CR474:3

16 And we know and have believed the love which God hath in us. God is love; and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God abideth in him. Love that God hath – God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5

God is love – Greek, agape, true, disinterested character love. R2807:4

It is the very essence of God's character; it particularly represents his personality. R5668:5

God is the very personification of sympathy and love. R5417:1

Since God himself is love, he can do nothing that can be derogatory or opposed to love. R2328:1

The fact that God sent his only begotten Son--is proof of his love beyond all question. R880:6

The more clearly we grasp the plan of which the cross, the ransom, is the center; the more truly we see light in God's light, for this is the only manifestation or proof of God's love yet given to the world. R881:1

This does not militate against the other statements that God is just, wise and powerful. But this quality of love best of all represents the divine being. R5210:5,6, 2328:1, 880:3-6

By faith we see proofs of his love and care where others see just the opposite; we walk by faith and not by sight. R881:1

"God is love," and since he was without beginning, so love was without beginning; because it is his character, his disposition; and as he endureth forever, so love will endure forever. R3151:6

The Bible statement that God is love, and also its teaching that he is wise, just and almighty is very generally accepted by Christian people. R880:2

Dwelleth in love – Greek, agape. R2807:5

We dwell in the love and favor and in the spirit or disposition of God; and his spirit or disposition dwells in us. R3251:6

The divine arrangement is that love shall be the rule among God's creatures. R5138:3

The object of all instruction and discipline on God's part is to bring us to the character likeness to himself. R2807:5

In proportion as we develop strength of character as new creatures, this quality of love increases. R5417:2, 5094:3

"Love is the fulfilling of the law." (Rom. 13:10) R5348:4; NS564:3

Dwelleth in God – Is fully in accord with God, and hence in the condition pleasing to the Father. SM281:1

The Lord specially delights to see us cultivate his own spirit of love and kindness and generosity. R5369:6, 3831:4

No man can love his neighbor in this Scriptural sense, until he has first loved his God to such a degree as to be not only willing but anxious to do those things which are pleasing in his sight. R4662:3

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Psa. 91:1) NS564:3

And God in him – By his Spirit dwelleth in him. R5348:4

The development of God's characteristics in our hearts and characters is our highest possible attainment in the present life. NS564:3

The Father took up his abode in Jesus from the time of his baptism, and qualified him to make known the divine plan. R5291:6

17 Herein is love made perfect with us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is, even so are we in this world. Love made perfect – Completed. R1956:4

Love to be made perfect in us. R5901:6*

Nothing but the love described in 1 Corinthians 13 will fit us to deal with the fallen race. R5901:6*

God's love is not discouraged with the deepest moral degradation, but follows the welfare of the sinner with an unchilled devotion, though he hates the sin; and we are to be "filled with all the fullness of God." (Eph. 3:19) R5901:6*

Day of – The harvest, the end of this age. R2430:3

Judgment – Greek, krisis, This word includes the thought of trial culminating in a decision that is final, irrevocable. R2430:2

As he is – As Christ was despised and rejected of men. R2789:3

Ostracized, misunderstood, reproved and slandered. R5426:3, 5189:3

An outcast. NS819:1

The Master of the house was called Beelzebub and seditious, and an enemy of law and order, against Caesar's government. etc. R2789:3; NS816:3

As God is. R1956:4

So are we – So are we to become. R5901:6*

Living embodiments and representatives of love. R1956:4

Christ's fleshly representatives now, and if faithful, his joint-heirs hereafter. R2881:1, 2789:3

The Head having been manifested in the flesh, seen of men, testified of angels, etc. all the members of his Body should likewise be manifested in the flesh. R3192:6

Jesus went about doing good. We should make application of this principle to ourselves. R5375:6

We are to walk in his footsteps. R3805:1

All the sufferings of Christ are sacrificial. The sufferings of the Head are the sufferings of the Body, and the sufferings of the Body are the sufferings of The Christ as a whole. R4547:5, 5215:3, 3192:6, 713:1

The members of his Body would be similarly misrepresented, slandered, maligned, despised, rejected by the popular religionists of Christendom. R2789:5; NS816:3

These oppositions from the world, the flesh, and the devil are a part of the chiseling, polishing, testing and proving of the Lord's people, to determine who are worthy a share in the Kingdom. R2789:5

The duties and privileges of this Royal Priesthood are now a sacrificing service; by and by a reigning, restoring and teaching service. R4542:6, 3805:1, 713:1

As Jesus was rendering obedience day by day, so are we rendering obedience day by day. R4922:2

Jesus was the great light which came into the world, and his followers were to be lights and candles also. R4558:5

From this standpoint, the first advent of the Christ in the flesh has been a gradual one, covering a period of nearly nineteen centuries. R3192:6

The world knew not our Captain, and likewise knows not his real soldiers of the cross. R1864:1

"The world knoweth us not, even as it knew him not," ( 1 John 3:1) but our duty is the same; men. R3484:3

We are not to allow the troubles of life to distress us as they distress other people. R5670:6

In this world – As God is love and is so manifested to all his creatures, so ought we to be love, and thus to shine as lights in the world. R1956:4

18 There is no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath punishment; and he that feareth is not made perfect in love. No fear in love – There is no dread in love. We do not dread that which we love. R4841:1

The Adversary would seem to take advantage of our fallen condition of sin and cause us to fear our Heavenly Father, because whoever we fear we keep away from. Q270:6

Perfect love – The test of character approved of God, is love--perfect love for God, for the brethren, yea, also for our enemies. R4208:3

The perfecting of love is a gradual matter. R4051:2

The Lord gradually makes known his "secret," which illumines, transforms, and strengthens us and develops in us his spirit of perfect love. NS397:3

Our love for God grows in proportion as we perceive that he loves mankind and has made provision for them whereby they may have an opportunity for everlasting life. Q450:7, 271:1; E255; NS301:4

No one can have this perfect love until first he has the perfect message--the true Gospel--"good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people." NS301:6

A very scarce commodity even amongst the saints. R2289:5

Casteth out fear – Dread to offend. R5390:3

Abnormal fear and superstitious dread. R2210:3

All fear. R1151:4*

After we have come to love God perfectly, all fear in the sense of dread is cast out. R5245:3, 4796:3; Q450:7, 271:2

Those who have the fear of the Lord and who are granted an understanding and appreciation of his secret, gradually lose all fear for man. NS397:3

Those who have the "spirit of fear" are helped to counteract it by the "Spirit of truth," the "Spirit of love," if they receive it. E255

Perfect love casts out all servile fear of our Heavenly Father, for we love and trust him. R5296:4

The best antidote for the fears taught by the precepts of men is love for God and an intimate acquaintance with him. NS301:4

Not the fear of displeasing God. Proper fear (reverence) must never be cast out. The more we have of reverential love, the more of the proper fear we shall have. R5245:3; Q271:2, 450:8

As we gradually come to a clear knowledge of God and of the principles by which he regulates the universe, we lose this improper fear; and in its stead comes a love for God and a realization that he has love for us. Q450:7; R5245:3, 4841:5, 4796:3, 3770:5, 2210:3

Love inspired by a true knowledge of God and begotten of his spirit delivers from the fear of man in proportion as it abounds in us. R5977:6; NS301:5

We find ourselves possessed, not of a spirit of bondage, but we receive a spirit of adoption whereby we cry "Abba, Father." (Rom. 8:15) R1151:4*

The Apostle in this text does not intimate that all hearts have fear; but that if any heart has fear, perfect love will cast it out--as the knowledge and love increase, the fear diminishes. R4841:1

Perfect love will cast out dread and slavish fear but it will cultivate, stimulate and increase our reverence for the Lord. R2986:6, 4051:2

This principle should operate between husband and wife; parents and children--and should fear to wound or offend the other. R5245:4; Q271:2, 451:1

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Prov. 9:10) This fear of the Lord--th to know his Maker; but it is a gradual process. R4841:1, 2986:6; NS300:2

"A book of remembrance was written before the Lord for them that feared him." (Mal. 3:16) Christ "was heard in thatighteousness is accepted with him." (Acts 10:35) R2289:6

"Fear not: I am thy shield, and thine exceeding great reward." (Gen. 15:1) R1906:1

If the Master feared, as in the Garden of Gethsemane, so should his followers. Let us fear respecting ourselves lest in any degree we should come short. R4841:4; NS300:3

How difficult it is to believe two opposite suggestions; that "God loved us while we were yet sinners," (Rom. 5:8) and yet made a place callefor torturing. NS301:5

Fear – A mental condition which is begotten of uncertainty. It is natural to avoid whomsoever we fear. R5245:3; Q270:6, 450:6

Timidity--a servile fear or dread of the Lord, or of Satan, fallen angels, or men, and what they might do to us. R4379:1

Fear of God due to lack of knowledge of him and his principles. Q271:1

Fear is not a good motive to obedience. The unfaithful servant who hid his lord's money said, "I feared thee." (Luke 19:21) R21:4*

Fear may have to do with the beginning of a change of heart, but it certainly cannot carry the conversion to completion. The results of fear are imperfect. R3735:4

Greater knowledge of God and his character will dispel this kind of fear. R4796:3

There is a proper and improper fear toward God. One is reasonable, the other illogical; one helpful, the other injurious; one is the beginning of wisdom; the other the beginning of folly, irrational anguish. NS300:2

All who have the Nicodemus disposition should seek to overcome it and get their hearts filled with the love of God and his truth that it will make them free from bondage to sectarianism and fear of man. R2421:3

Hath torment – Or trouble. SM332:1*

Greek, kolasin; restraint, improperly rendered "torment." R1040:1, 2608:1

The heathen have a dread of God which amounts to torment. R5304:2

The heathen have devilish doctrines mingled with dread of God; and all the worldly who have knowledge of God, Jews and Christians, have fear also--dread. R4841:4

All heathen religions teach torment after death for the great bulk of the human family. NS301:2

Satan would try to give us, through his various theories, a dread or fear of God, and of torture. Q270:6; NS300:4, 301:2

Some Christians are paralyzed for life by the monomania of fear. The cure for a foolish fear is faith and a forced obedience of duty. R632:2*

19 We love, because he first loved us. We love him – The effect of God's love upon the good-ground heart is that it decides that it could do nothing less than love similarly in return, and thus be willing to lay down life itself in God's service. R2648:3

Not that we first loved God, but that his love attracted and developed ours. R2648:3

God's love known--"shed abroad in our hearts" (Rom. 5:5)--produces love to him in rour love show itself in our works. R21:4*

To know God, we must know Christ, for God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. (2 Cor. 5:19) R42:3*

It is not possible for a child to love a father in whose word he has no confidence. Nor could God recognize as children those who do not love him. R556:1*

Because – Because we believe. R556:1*

He first loved us – The love we see reflected in his great plan for the uplifting of our race. CR474:3

A sense of justice told us that since God had so loved us as to provide for us so great salvation, it would be as little as we could do--it would be our duty to love and serve him in return. R2754:4

The beginning of our experience as Christians--that attracted us to him. R2754:3

God himself is the one who has the attraction. It is the love of God, the love of Christ, that binds us to the magnet of truth. OV402:6

One of the prominent features of God's plan by which his love is manifested is Christ's death. R42:3*

An appreciation of God's love to us "while we were yet sinners," (Rom. 5:8) must be an important causer hearts in the way of righteousness. R42:3*

His love was first; not created, nor purchased, but original, self-moved and inexhaustible. It can be known only by its fruits. R42:3*

An imperfect idea of the fruit of God's love must cause an imperfect idea of the love itself, and the effect produced on our hearts and lives must correspond. R42:3*

20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, cannot love God whom he hath not seen. I love God – The Lord especially delights to see us cultivate his own spirit of love and kindness and generosity. R5369:6

Those who have reached the mark of perfect love must keep actively engaged in the service of the Lord, laying down their lives for the brethren, as an assurance that he loves God. R2755:5

While God should be first in our hearts and affections, nevertheless our love for God is more difficult to measure than is our love for man. R3862:5

Loveth not – Brotherly love in the Church is an indication of its godliness. R2228:1

Love to God alone is not the full manifestation of this grace; nor can there be a sincere love for God, without a corresponding love to man. R2155:5

If our hearts do not attain to the standard of love for our neighbors as for ourselves, the Apostle assures us that we may seriously doubt that we have any love for God that would be acceptable to him. R3994:1

His brother – If we do not love the brethren so as to be able to have fellowship and spiritual pleasure with them, it would be an indication that we are not wholly in harmony and fellowship with God. R5938:3

They are mistaken who say, I long to be with the Lord and to enjoy his blessing and fellowship, yet meantime neglect opportunities to meet with the brethren, and do not enjoy their company and fellowship. F309

To our Lord and his Word we must be true at all hazards. Then comes love for the brethren--because they are his and have his Spirit, because they are seeking to walk in his footsteps. SM259:1

We should have love one toward the other, by having one mind, or purpose, or will, as a Church--the Lord's will; sympathizing with and consoling one another, having the proper fellowship as Body members. R5810:4

The Scriptures place the love of the brethren as one of the evidences of our having been begotten of the Spirit, and of our being in touch with the Master. R2330:2

Some are in danger of erring in an opposite direction--of manifesting a brotherly love where it should be withheld, and that in the interest of the brother. R3033:3

Whom he hath seen – The brethren who have God's Spirit and whom we have seen with the natural sight? F376

Our Lord is represented by his members in the flesh and we see that love for the brethren means love for the Lord; hence this is one of the great tests of our relationship to him and to the Father. R3777:1

Simple brotherly kindness toward a brother-man will the better enable you to love supremely the righteous God whom you have not seen. R1767:6

We may expect that the temptation of this hour will be considerably along the line of abiding in God's love. This in turn will imply a love for the brethren. R4253:3

How can he love God – How can he know that he would love God. R5369:6

Be wholly in harmony and fellowship with God. R5938:3

The measure of the love which fills our hearts will find expression toward our fellow-creatures who have need of our sympathy and attention, and if we show ourselves deficient here it will imply a deficiency of our love for our Creator. R3805:5; OV210:1

If our best energies are spent on money-making or in some other selfish channel, how dwelleth the love of God in us? SM268:T

He hath not seen – Except with the eye of faith. F376

21 And this commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God love his brother also. Love his brother – If the Father loves him and the Saviour loves him, then we too should love him. R5726:6

Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

To grow in this grace of love to God necessarily implies a growth also in love toward mankind; and especially toward those who are in sympathy and harmony with righteousness. R2757:2

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