2 Corinthians Chapter 5 [RVIC]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 For we know that if the earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens. For we – The Apostle is writing to the new creation, not the natural man. F673

Our earthly house – The present mortal bodies of the saints, their houses of pilgrimage. (Psa. 119:54) R2231:2

The human body has become a temporary dwelling place for the new mind, the begotten new creature. R701:3*

Now we are as new beings in an "earthly house" and so our bodies are said to be the "temple of the holy Spirit." (1 Cor. 6:19) R237:2*

The nominal church is being dissolved. No matter. The Corinthians and the Galatians feared lest they should not be connected with the earthly house, but it was only a type of something better. R180:2, 4*

For the world the body is part of themselves and not a house. R701:3*

Of this tabernacle – A tabernacle is a temporary structure. CR457:4

A tent, which is better than none, though quite unsatisfactory. F673

Were dissolved – Sacrificed, dead with Christ. E196

The human is to die--the earthly form must be laid off. (2 Pet. 1:14) R344:5, 340:6*

Even before the Lord's presence, it was the privilege of the saints to know that after their earthly house should be dissolved--in God's due time--they should be clothed upon with the heavenly house. R702:4*

A building of God – A new, glorious, spiritual body, in every way fitted for the indwelling of the new mind and its Spirit of holiness. E196; F663; R371:3

A new or spiritual body prepared for them, adapted to the desires of the new mind. R701:3*

"Ye (both individually and collectively) are God's building"; the habitation of God through the spirit, ye are the temple of God; though now it is but a tabernacle in the flesh. (1 Cor. 3:9, 16; Eph. 2:22) R1982:2

Those who are begotten will constitute the house of God, not the house of Moses nor the house of David (after the flesh) nor any other house but the house of God eternal. R179:6*

If we keep our hearts loyal, we shall enter in due time. Then our Lord will present us before the Father. R5907:4

New creatures in Christ may be spoken of as separate and distinct from their mortal bodies. R5686:4

Not made with hands – Not produced by human powers. F673; R2231:3

Eternal in the heavens – The new life hid with Christ will not die. R344:5

The hope of the Church is the completion of our change of nature from human to spiritual, remembering that the full fellowship of the Lord cannot be obtained before that change. R701:6

2 For truly in this we groan, longing to be clothed upon with our habitation which is from heaven: In this we groan – "We ourselves groan within ourselves." (Rom. 8:23) F673

Oppressed by the evil influence of the world and the devil, and by the weaknesses of our flesh. F673; R2231:3, 2226:1

Our house which is from heaven – Our new, perfect and permanent body, our "home." F673

Spiritual bodies. R2194:6

"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth." (Rev. 14:13) R344:5

3 if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. Not be found naked – Unclothed, without a body, asleep, waiting for the resurrection morning. F673

4 For indeed we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened; not for that we would be unclothed, but that we would be clothed upon, that what is mortal may be swallowed up of life. For we – New creatures. R2226:1

The newly begotten spirit beings, the Church. R2194:6

In this tabernacle – Earthly body. R2194:6

Present earthly conditions unfavorable to the new creature. R2226:1

Do groan, being burdened – Oppressed by the evil influence of the world and the devil, and by the weaknesses of the flesh. F673; R2231:3, 2226:1

The new mind must constantly fight a battle against the flesh because the race toward the mark and the attainment of that mark must be made by the new mind while it is still in this "earthen vessel." R2754:2

Our fleshly imperfections and weaknesses burden us, and the weaknesses and frailties of our friends and neighbors have their influence upon us--we are in such close and constant contact with them. NS380:3

The burdens of God's people are lightened as their hearts are cheered through faith in the divine character and promises, and the burden decreases as we become acquainted with our Father and with our Lord. NS223:3

We, by virtue of our covenant with the Lord, have much advantage every way over the majority of mankind in that to us belong the covenants and the promises, and with them the hopes and the joys of the Lord. NS496:6

Unclothed – The unclothed or death condition is not desirable though the majority of the Church had to remain in that condition for many years. The crown was not to be received until the day of Christ's appearing. R702:1*

That we should lose our imperfect human bodies in death, and be obliged to wait until Christ's second coming. R2194:6

What we prefer is not to have the little spark of present life extinguished, but to have it absorbed into the perfect conditions of the life to which we are begotten. F674; R2231:4

5 Now he that wrought us for this very thing is God, who gave unto us the earnest of the Spirit. The selfsame thing – The perfect condition we are to obtain in the resurrection. F674; R2231:4

The earnest – The holy Spirit granted us in the present time is a pre-payment. F674; R2231:4

We are begotten of God for the very purpose of being developed and born in to the spiritual likeness, leading us to sacrifice the earthly that we may be made like unto Christ's glorious body. R702:1*

In the fullest sense, God will not recognize us as sons until our Lord shall present us actually perfect before the Father in the end of the Gospel age. R916:4

6 Being therefore always of good courage, and knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord At home in the body – So long as we feel entirely contented with present conditions--ourselves and our surroundings. F674; R2231:4

But would feel like pilgrims and strangers, seeking a better rest, a better home. F674

Absent from the Lord – Not living near to him, not "walking with God" as we should. F674

7 (for we walk by faith, not by sight); We walk by faith – The Lord has made faith a condition for all his blessings of the present age. R4347:3, 4744:6

Whoever cannot exercise faith cannot have the blessings now proffered to the believer, but must wait for the next dispensation, in which sight will be granted and works will be required. HG453:5; NS617:5

In this time, his power is not manifested, so all his followers are required to walk by faith. NS579:1

The Lord desires we should learn to trust him where we cannot trace him; hence he leaves many things partially obscure. F142; R3004:2

In some of life's events we can see the Lord's protecting and guiding care most markedly (as with Peter's release), while in others it would seem absolutely lacking (as with James). R3004:2

We develop in faith by continuing in the spirit of obedience, following on wherever the Lord points the way. R5717:6

The true watchers are to expect reasonable, satisfactory evidence for faith, and not ocular demonstrations. R2975:6, 5634:2

Faith implies an expectation of divine guidance in the understanding of the Scriptures, even as God has promised, and, expecting this, God's people may seek for this understanding in prayer. R4885:1

We are to walk in newness of life, not after the flesh, but after the spirit; not as others walk in the vanity of their mind, but circumspectly and not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time. R1753:5

To these alone comes a measure of appreciation of the divine glories and blessings. "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will make them to understand his covenant." (Psa. 25:14) NS462:2

We must have a heart condition of faith in God, as the great Teacher who knows our limitations and who has promised to guide the willing and obedient into all truth as it becomes "meat in due season." R4884:6

It would now be inappropriate to expect angels to appear, to manifest themselves outwardly. R5635:1, 5606:1

We merely have God's Word as respects his justice and love and gracious plans. OV129:5

Not by sight – There is no warrant for seeking or expecting communications from the angels--no unusual manifestations or sights or sounds. R2179:3

The Gospel church is different from the Jewish church (which was privileged to walk considerably by sight) and the Millennial church (when the light of knowledge will flood the world). NS659:6

In the next age, the world will have the actuality instead of the promise--the world will walk by sight. OV129:5

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath in reservation." (1 Cor. 2:9) OV119:1

8 we are of good courage, I say, and are willing rather to be away from the bodily home, and to be at home with the Lord. We are confident – Full of faith toward God, we rejoice to walk by faith. F674; R2231:5

Rather to be absent – Homeless, pilgrims, and strangers on the earth. F674; R2231:5

From the body – The Methodist body, the Baptist body or the Presbyterian body, who may yet form the "household of God," but we are hid with Christ in God. R180:5*

With the Lord – In the spirit of our fellowship. F674

9 Wherefore also we make it our aim, whether at home or away, to be well-pleasing unto him. Whether present – In the present when we are away from home, pilgrims, and strangers. F674

Or absent – By and by when we reach our home. F674; R2231:5

Be accepted of him – Have his favor and blessing, with the assurance of ultimate acceptance. F674

God's Church is not yet organized. Unorganized, called out ones are seeking to make their calling and election sure that they may obtain a share in the Kingdom, counted worthy of the honors promised. R1574:1

10 For we must all be made manifest before the judgment-seat of Christ; that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he hath practiced, whether it be good or bad.

For we must – We, the Church. This text does not refer to "all nations" who will be judged by the Son of Man and the Church. F418

All through this pilgrimage we are standing at the bar of our Lord's judgment: he is testing us, proving us. F675; R2231:5; Q382:7

All – The consecrated Church of the Gospel age. R2231:2

Appear – In the end of this age, the first work of the King at his second advent, before he begins to deal with the world. F419

The judgment seat – Every one is to receive stripes or favor "according to that he hath done." R570:1

In one sense of the word we are all standing before the judgment seat of Christ now. We are on trial. Jesus, as the Father's representative, is trying the Church. Q382:7

All the way down, the Lord has been judging his people. Q383:T

We are in the school of Christ; he is our teacher and instructor and discipliner. When we need to receive corrections, the Lord Jesus attends to that matter. Q383:T

That every one may receive – The Church's judgment is pictured by our Lord in Matt. 25:14-30 and Luke 19:12-26. F419

According to that he hath done – The rewards will not all be alike as respects glory and honor, though all will be glorious and honorable. F419

Faithfulness, love, zeal will be the tests. F419

11 Knowing therefore the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest unto God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord – Our Creator has declared that "the wages of sin is death" (not eternal torment); "all the wicked will God destroy" (not preserve in fire). (Rom. 6:23; Psa. 145:20) NS836:3

Only such as come into vital relationship with the Redeemer can have everlasting life. NS836:3

We persuade men – The Lord never compels the acceptance of his favors, but he does constrain by his love and grace and promises. R1958:4

In your consciences – If conscience were a sufficient guide you would have no need of the Scriptures. R4803:6

12 We are not again commending ourselves unto you, but speak as giving you occasion of glorying on our behalf, that ye may have wherewith to answer them that glory in appearance, and not in heart. For we commend not – False brethren had charged that Paul was given to self-commendation. (2 Cor. 3:1; 10:8) R4517:6

13 For whether we are beside ourselves, it is unto God; or whether we are of sober mind, it is unto you. Beside ourselves – They say we are of unsound mind because we care for the better things, the heavenly things. R5094:6

Some thought Paul's mind unbalanced because he endured so much for the sake of preaching Christ; but he assures us that from his point of view he did none too much, that he would do more if he were able. R588:2

14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that one died for all, therefore all died; The love of Christ – The love of Christ is the love of the Father. It was manifested by our Redeemer. R5597:4; CR487:3

The moving power must be love--love for God, love for the brethren, and at least sympathetic love for the whole world of mankind, even including our enemies. R3797:2

Not that we first loved God, but that he first loved us. This is the "should" love, duty love--the first, the simplest development of our love toward God, our starting point in the race toward perfect love. R2754:4

Love is the lever which will move men's hearts--not fear. R311:5, 2599:1; SM135:4

We are called during this time when Satan is the world's prince and sin abounds, in order that we make the demonstration of our love by sacrifice. NS362:6

The permanent conversion which produces the saintly characters is the appeal of love. OV138:2; R4774:6

This love can effect changes in conduct, language and thought, which can be accomplished by nothing else. OV138:2; R4774:6

Constraineth us – Draweth, impelleth. R2723:1

The word constrain has the double thought of drawing together, holding together. R4836:3; F242

Paul would say, I am so closely drawn to Christ that I have the same sympathetic love for others that he had. As he had laid down his life for the brethren, so would I. R4836:3, 2204:1

All members of the new creation are bound each to the other by the cords of love. F242

Draws out our love in return. R2754:4

Those of a "broken and contrite heart" are charmed with the message of forgiveness of sins. If they continue to hunger and thirst after the Lord and his message, he will satisfy them and receive them back. R5596:3

Since Christ is the "express image of the Father's glorious person," (Heb. 1:3) God also constrains us--drtter than life." (Psa. 63:3) CR487:3

The knowledge of the mercy and love of God should draw our hearts to him and incline us to love him in return, and to seek to do those things which would please him. HG451:3

The drawing power of Christ has been exerted upon a class in whom the love of Christ as manifested in his being lifted up, awakens a sense of gratitude that draws them to follow in his footprints at any cost. R1055:1

There can be no better test of love than devotion, and no better test of devotion than obedience. R2456:4

The Lord never compels the acceptance of his favors, but he does constrain by his love and grace and promises those who love righteousness and truth. R1958:5

Drew us to the Lord in consecration. R4352:1, 5597:4, 1055:2, 1054:6

The assistance which should be rendered to those who have accepted Christ as their Redeemer is to teach them of consecration and sanctification so that their hearts may be constrained to obey. NS170:5

Simplicity and godly sincerity find delight in the beauty of holiness, but who can walk so contrary to the course of this present world? It is only as we become filled with the Spirit of God. R2123:4*

The class God is now seeking needs no stripes or punishments to constrain their obedience. They are constrained by love. R3305:2

The love of Christ has not lost its power to draw some and to hold them in loyalty and fidelity even against all the subtle and deceptive influences of this "evil day," and these perilous times. R1055:2

The power which constrains the saints into harmony and union with Christ, and through him with our Heavenly Father, is the truth. Hence the more clearly we discern the truth, the more it can influence us. R1055:3

The drawing is one thing and the coming another. It is God's prerogative to invite, and man's privilege to come. The truth is our anchor, but we can sunder it according to our free will. R1056:3

The Word of God is the treasure-house of our Father, wherein is "given exceeding great and precious promises." (2 Pet. 1:4) In it is revealed "the lovanctified. R200:5

Many members of the sects are not constrained by the love of Christ but by the fear of hell. R2599:1

If one died for all – "He, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man," (Heb. 2:9) the just for the unjust, tof return or reconciliation to harmony with the Father. E446

Jesus is not merely the Savior of the Church, but he is also the Savior of the world. R5596:3

Jesus, in the laying down of his life, was giving himself "a ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:6) Q760:4

While the work of redemption was done by our Lord Jesus, it was all planned by the Father. R1269:5, 1778:3

Christ died for us whether we believe it or not. Whatever facts or changes were produced by the death of Christ are not dependent on our believing. R77:3*

As the "wise of this world" are denying the value of the precious blood, those whose eyes have been opened must emphasize the value of the cross as the basis of reconciliation between God and man. R3560:6

If the death of Christ secures spiritual life for some (as some teach, but which we do not believe), it would follow that it would secure it for all. R77:3*

Then were all dead – Legally. R1697:5

Under just sentence of death. R3560:6

From God's standpoint all the world has already lost life, is dying, and might now be more properly described as dead than alive. A289; R1231:3, 1077:1

Yea, worse than dead in trespasses and sins and condemnation. R2723:1

Under divine sentence, the curse. R2754:4, 1231:3

To live means a great deal, in its full import. Adam and Eve lived, i.e., had life in perfect measure, before sin entered. When death entered, and the dying commenced, it was a process of ceasing to live. R1231:3

It is a fundamental teaching of Christ and his apostles (true Christianity) that man fell into sin and under its penalty--death. R3106:6

The law of God demanded as a penalty the life of the transgressor, and Adam through disobedience having incurred this, all his posterity are heirs of death--life being forfeited. R676:6*

Either actually dead and buried, or else under sure sentence of death. R588:2; Q760:4

The condition in which man now is, is Scripturally called death, even before he enters the tomb. R360:3

So counted even before execution. R75:3*

15 and he died for all, that they that live should no longer live unto themselves, but unto him who for their sakes died and rose again. He died for all – "He, by the grace of God tasted death for every man." (Heb. 2:9) E446

"For all" means the whole race was dead, none had a right to life. R5597:4

The love of God was manifested in giving his Son, not to redeem a few, as Calvinism would have us believe, but to redeem a world; while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. R556:1

They which live – Justified to life through faith in Jesus' redemption. R2754:1

Justified to life through faith in his blood. R2723:1

Justified and begotten to newness of life. R2456:4

Now reckoned alive in Christ. R2076:4

Through Christ's promise and work. R1697:5

Should not henceforth live unto themselves – If any man will be my disciple let him renounce his own self-will; begin to live contrary to his own preferences, in that he will do according to the divine will, instead of according to his own will. R5596:6

The proper heart responds to God's grace by desiring to do his will; then the power of God operates in such, leading to works of obedience, self-denial, and self-sacrifice. R3305:3

It is not that the Lord looks with displeasure upon a life which seeks to avoid sin and which recognizes the merit of Christ, but it is a "reasonable service" to present our bodies a living sacrifice to God. R1672:2

Those who were thus redeemed should not live for their own pleasure, but consecrate themselves to his service. R1576:6

But unto him – Let us be more and more zealous in expending our little all in the service of him who loved us and who bought us with his own precious blood. R2671:6

The Lord and the apostles urge all true followers of Christ to present their bodies living sacrifices, to lay down their lives for the brethren, that they may thus attest their devotion to the Lord. R2659:1

It is not enough that we call ourselves by his name and say we are his servants, but his servants we are to whom we render service. R588:5

Not to give a tithe to the Lord, but to give all that we are and have--all that we can in as direct a way as we can, and the remainder is to be given him in a more indirect way. HG583:2

Christ having died for us, we should live the remainder of our lives in his service. R1672:2, 5597:4, 588:2

If the Master has placed you in such position that you cannot render great service, do not neglect what he has given you, to do that which he has not given you to do--faithful in least, faithful in greater. R588:5

In thankfulness. R2076:4

For the most profitable meetings, it is important to resolve to come together as God's children, henceforth to live unto him who died for you. R1866:6

16 Wherefore we henceforth know no man after the flesh: even though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now we know him so no more. Know we no man – Not even "the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself." (1 Tim. 2:5, 6) B107

No man in Christ after the flesh. D476; R1861:5, 216:2

Those who have received the new mind--the spirit of a sound mind. R1414:2

After the flesh – We are to know each other according to the spirit, the intentions, the heart. R2446:2

As new creatures. R2581:2, 216:5

God knows us according to the spirit, the will, the heart, the intent. R4494:6, 216:5; E110

"Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of Christ dwell in you." (Rom. 8:9) R3832:1

Toward the end of the third quarter mark, our love for the brethren grows deep and strong and we learn to sympathize with them as new creatures in their battlings with the weaknesses of their flesh. NS417:4

Yet now henceforth – "Now the Lord is that Spirit." (2 Cor. 3:17) E298; R3075:2, 2981:2, 1287:4; NS176:5, 32:6

We shall see him as he is when made like him. R629:6, 262:6; NS33:1

To "sit on David's throne" does not mean that Jesus will be a fleshly being--a glorified man; for he shall become ruler of Israel and all nations and families of earth unseen, through his agents. R453:2

When the work in the Most Holy is done, he comes into the Holy place, but not in the flesh. R102:6*

Know we him – Know we him so. E298; R5917:5, 2556:4, 340:3

Not as the man Jesus, but as the glorified Lord. R5597:4, 1336:6*

Our knowledge of him as the risen and glorified Lord and Saviour thoroughly outshines all of our interest in his earthly life. R2556:4

We now know him as the King of glory. R1693:1, 5917:5

As a spiritual being--the express image of the Father's person. (Heb. 1:3) R546:3, 507:4

No more – Our Lord is no longer a human being; as a human being he gave himself a ransom for men, having become a man for that very purpose. He was raised from the dead a life-giving spirit being, and not a man. B107; R1806:2

"The man Christ Jesus" suffered for us death, "everlasting destruction." The flesh, the human nature, was given as our ransom price. E466

The life given in ransom was human life--flesh and blood life--never taken back. If he took back the price of redemption, there is no hope for us. R690:3*, 1806:2

Christ will not again appear in the flesh. R578:2, 5917:5, 1336:6*, 262:6, 18:6

His humanity was all dropped. R507:4

"My flesh I give for the life of the world" (John 6:51)--not only for three days R4123:6

"He was put to death in the flesh but quickened in the spirit." (1 Pet. 3:18) He was raised by the Fath R4123:6, 3075:2, 2981:2, 1278:4, 507:4; NS176:5, 32:5

"Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 15:50) R3075:2, 507:4

"Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more." (John 14:19) R1904:1

His human body was the body of his humiliation, which was sacrificed, given as the price of our redemption. He no longer lives life in the flesh, but is now highly exalted and lives as our divine High Priest. R1806:2

Jesus was tempted along the same lines as his followers of this Gospel age--who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit;--who are judged according to the spirit of their minds--their new wills. E110

17 Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new. If any man be in Christ – Diaglott translation--"any one," rather than "any man." R5325:2

The sisters in the Church equally "present their bodies living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God," (Rom. 12:1) and perform an important "riesthood." T103

One who has made a full consecration of himself and has been begotten by the holy Spirit. R5148:3, 5923:6, 5899:1, 5597:1, 5439:1, 5431:4

A very small proportion of the religious church membership. OV379:1

All who are have "passed from death unto life." (John 5:24) Only a very limited numbe SM341:3; R5923:6, 1841:1

Only since Pentecost have any been begotten as "new creatures in Christ." R5613:2

Not membership in any earthly organization, but union with the Lord as a member of his mystical Body. F78; R5227:3

The Scriptures frequently speak of the Church as being "in Christ," as here and in Rom. 12:5. R5227:3

Although the Greek word en sometimes means "through," "by," "with" or "under," it is here correctly translated "in." R826:3

To be accepted in Christ, obedience is a prime requisite, then consecration to sacrifice. R5431:4

Before we were in Christ, "We were enemies," (Rom. 5:10) because "The whole world of wrath even as others." (Eph. 2:3) "All are sinners." (Rom. 5 R3458:1

Conversion, belief and reformation of life does not necessarily make a Christian in the Biblical sense. Righteous living should commend itself to all intelligent minds as advantageous and beneficial. HG667:3

He is – Includes not only our Lord and the Church, but also the "Great Company." R5022:3

This is an individual matter. R5022:3; Q506:6

A new creature – It is such a complete revolution that those who voluntarily surrender their will and all they possess to God are called new creatures in Christ Jesus. SM274:1

The Church of the Gospel age is frequently spoken of in the Scriptures as a new creation--its ultimate members, the overcomers, being specifically mentioned as "new creatures" in Christ Jesus. F59

Those who have become God's people by making a full consecration of themselves and then being begotten of the holy Spirit as new creatures in Christ. All such are recipients of special divine care. R5583:6

Having been begotten by the holy Spirit to a new life. R5312:6, 5325:2, 5208:2; OV143:3

The special good news (gospel) is that God is calling some to become the Bride--to become "new creatures," and as such to be "heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord." This is "our high calling." R217:3

The Church is wholly distinct and separate from the remainder of mankind: the Scriptures speak literally when they declare the Church to be a "new creation" and its members "new creatures." NS591:2, 336:6

Spirit beings like unto our Lord, not flesh beings like Adam. (1 Cor. 15:45-49) HG235:5

From God's standpoint, the consecrated, the quickened, the begotten, the anointed, the risen with Christ seated in the Holy are new creatures, begotten again by the holy Spirit. NS337:1

Diaglott translation: "creation" rather than "creature." R5325:2

We no longer belong to the family of Adam. R5923:6, 5221:1

We are now spirit beings in human bodies. R5325:3

The Church, God's new creation, is heavenly, not earthly. PD8/15; R4553:3; HG333:6; SM430:2

Begotten, not yet born of the Spirit. A226; R3707:5

The Apostle speaks of these "dearly beloved" ones as "sons and daughters" of the Lord, children of the Almighty--hence begotten again of the holy Spirit. SM391:1

This new creature is in an embryotic state or condition while in the flesh, and will be born of the spirit in the resurrection. Q808:4

"We become partakers of the divine nature." (2 Pet. 1:4) R1881:4, 217:3

The new creature expects to attain the divine nature--glory, honor, and immortality--while the old creature desires earthly things and comforts. Thus there is a conflict. It is a fight to the finish. R5439:4, 5312:6, 216:2

A spirit-begotten child of God possessing eternal life by faith, but the new creature is not yet completed. R5325:6, 5326:1; SM391:1

The new creature has the old body, but a new will--the will of Christ. R4842:1, 216:2

Newly "created in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2:10) reckonedly; and in due ti. R1438:1; A227; Q505:2

This new nature is the basis of our recognition as Christians, and of our fellowship. The reason we are so counted is because we are in Christ, and he is no longer known after the flesh. R237:2*

These who walk in the narrow way--begotten again, not of the will of the flesh, not of man, but begotten of truth. (John 1:13; James 1:18) NS19:3

The divine nature is the highest of all, yet each nature will be so thoroughly in accord with its own conditions and environments and perfection that each will have satisfaction in his own state. F63

The new creation is entirely separate and distinct from the angelic orders and from man. Each order will be perfect in itself. F62

The best epistle--even more valuable than the Bible, as respects reaching the hearts of men--is the life of a true Christian, a new creature in Christ Jesus. R5967:6

May be spoken of as separate and distinct from their mortal bodies. R5686:4; NS517:1

There is nothing said about being reckonedly new creatures. The change is actual, bona-fide. R5325:2, 4932:3; Q509:2, 61:2

The new creature is real, so real that it can die the second death. If it were only a reckoned matter, it would not be so serious. Q509:2

The robe of justification is given to the new creature to cover the blemishes of its imperfect body. R4761:5, 216:5; Q604:6

Their King, in calling them to be this "holy nation," started them as a new race. Their Master opened the way for a completion of his purpose. They were begotten again, "new creatures." (Gal. 6:15) R2129:1

God is dealing with our spirits, our minds. Through the transforming influence of his Word, he is giving us a new mind; it is this new mind which he receives into his family. SM350:1

Old things are passed away – The old love of sin, the old disposition to do evil, the old worldly and selfish ambitions, strifes, etc. R1438:1,4; CR411:2

Jesus is the Captain of all those who voluntarily enlist as soldiers of the cross to battle against sin, especially in themselves--fighting a "good fight of faith" and overcoming the spirit of the world. SM180:1

The elements of darkness that reign in our mortal bodies are to be discouraged and to be expelled therefrom. R5099:6

Sins that are past are all cleansed. SM430:2; R5325:2, 4553:3

Old sins and hopes. E488

Human hopes, will, and ambitions. A227

Dead to worldly aims and objects. SM391:1

The embryo "new creature" continues to grow and develop, as the old human nature, with its hopes, aims, desires, etc., is crucified. A197; E488; R5597:1, 5072:6; CR353:2

All earthly rights have been abrogated. R5325:5

Earthly things, prides, vanities, and follies, shall have passed from the will even though they may harass us because in a measure attractive to our flesh. F78

The thorns that choke the wheat are not wicked practices, but "cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches" (Matt. 13:22, Mark 4:19)--the ordinary NS607:6

We have put off the old man, the natural, fallen man, with his privileges as the successor of Adam, in the same sense that we put off the old will. R5221:1

These old things pass away, not instantly, but gradually. R5742:5, 216:2

In Romans 8, the Apostle shows that a way of escape from the condemnation of the Law Covenant was provided for those Jews who come into Christ. R4869:3

New creatures are not under the Law Covenant, but under the arrangement of grace, or God's favor. R5072:6

These "peculiar people" enter into covenant relationship with God by which they surrender all their rights and privileges as men. SM274:1

From the time the new creature is reckoned as coming into existence, the old creature, from the divine viewpoint, is non-existent. R4842:1

None of the human remains; at the time we were made members of the Body of Christ, we had become dead as human beings, by the surrender of our wills. R5881:6; Q570:1

All distinctions of sex and color and condition are ignored, dropped from divine notice. (Gal. 3:28; 1 Cor. 12:13) T103

When grievous weapons of destruction and poisonous tongues do injury to the old creature--which we have already consecrated to death--they help us as new creatures, killing the flesh. R3051:1

All things are become new – New relationship with God. R5947:4, 5325:2

New hopes, aims, ambitions, prospects, standards. R5899:1, 5597:1, 5148:3; CR469:5; OV379:1; SM510:T, 342:T

New will, new mind, with heavenly hopes and aspirations. R5439:2, 5461:6, 216:2; SM350:1, 430:2, 274:1; OV356:1

New heart, new desires. R3735:4; OV379:2

They have new ideals, heavenly ambitions, new standards, new representatives of these. SM274:1

New affections. "Transformed by the renewing of their minds." (Rom. 12:2) OV379:2; SM342:T

We have received a new mind in Christ. We have stepped into membership in the Body of Christ. R5221:1

To accomplish so radical a change requires a powerful influence--the holy Spirit. R5148:6

At first we are babes. Beginning with strong determination, we must grow in grace--grow in the Lord and the power of his might--grow up unto him in all things, becoming stronger and stronger. R5312:6

It regulates them as respects what they eat, what they drink, where they go, what they do, what they read, what companionship they cultivate, even their very thoughts. R5796:5

When the Jew became dead to the Law, he came into this one hope which could be attained only through sacrifice. His new creature was bound to do what is right; his old creature was reckoned dead. R5072:6

If we are in Christ we are keeping God's law in a way that is impossible to others, even though we have only the body of flesh in which to operate. R4869:3

The "wedding garment" is given to the new creature, to cover the blemishes of its imperfect body. R4842:1

At the moment of God's acceptance of our sacrifice, and of the begetting of the holy Spirit, the new creature is reckoned as coming into existence and as wearing the wedding garment. R4842:1

The new creature only is recognized of God, and invited to the wedding, and granted the wedding garment--the robe of Christ's righteousness--not for itself, but as a covering for its flesh. R4761:5

With this class, all of the Lord's dealings are intended to develop character. R4817:6

Such are already back into harmony or covenant relationship with God. R4542:3

Where the conversion from sin to righteousness is thorough. R3735:4

We, similar to the man with the unclean spirit (Mark 5:2), receive the new mind of Cht mind. R3773:2

Jesus ascended up on high and presented the merit of his sacrifice on our behalf. God granted the holy Spirit to the waiting disciples. That holy Spirit came to them as a begetting to the new nature. Q509:2

We are begotten again by the holy Spirit to newness of life, newness of purpose. To us he gives various talents. SM510:T

We now have the precious promises of God and the prospect of a spiritual existence in the future instead of a human existence. SM342:T

They will have higher riches and greater privileges as spirit beings, fully entered upon at their resurrection change but reckonedly entered into from the time of their covenant. SM274:1

Let each make an inquiry of himself: Am I living to the extent of my ability even in the present life in accord with the new mind, the new nature? Am I thus developing it at the expense of my old nature? NS102:1

If you have made the proper consecration and God has begotten you of the holy Spirit, you are a son of God. Q665:1

Now counted as members of his glorious Church. SM430:2

He has "passed from death unto life," (1 John 3:14) and has found the peace w R1841:1

18 But all things are of God, who reconciled us unto himself through Christ, and gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation; And all things – All these new things. E488; R4542:3

Not all the wickedness and sin of the world. R1778:3, 1269:5

Here the term is absolute and unqualified. All the features of our redemption are of God, planned by the Father himself. R1778:3, 1268:3

Are of God – Not of the Apostle's making up, nor of Jesus' origination. R5597:5

God himself shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. It was God's plan from the very first--God so loved the world that he sent Jesus; and so, of him and through him and to him are all things. R333:3

Who hath – Before we were born Christ effected a work. R3707:5

Reconciled – Back into harmony or covenant relationship with God. R4542:3

None can be reconciled to God without a Redeemer's sacrifice. R5284:3

Us – True believers. R3707:5

God's real work is the reconciliation of the world, but he begins his work with an elect class, not with the world. NS384:4

So far as the world is concerned this reconciliation is still future. R3707:4

By Jesus Christ – By the death of his Son. R3707:5

Through Jesus Christ--through the work which Jesus did for us. NS383:5

The ministry – Service. E488; R4542:4

Not the service of our own reconciliation, but the service of making known that through Christ's death whosoever wills may return to harmony with God. R4542:4,5

The ministry of the New Covenant--the service of bringing Israel in covenant relationship with God anew. R4542:6

Of reconciliation – Greek: kattalage; the same word rendered "atonement" in Rom. 5:11. E488

Reconciliation to God which is eventually to reach the whole world, but at the present time is intended only for "him that hath an ear to hear." R4542:5; NS386:5

When we all shall have reached that glorious consummation of the Church, then the world's reconciling will be the great work of the Millennial age, carried on in power and great glory. NS386:2

Amongst the Lord's people we find some in a measure of reconciliation, others in a state of partial reconciliation; our message is to all: accept his Word, conform your heart and life to his arrangement. NS386:6

In proportion as we attain this reconciliation to God we are attaining a harmony with righteousness and truth and are learning that we are not our own but his, bought with his blood. Be fully reconciled. NS386:6

The ministry of reconciliation, committed to the Church, will not be finished until the close of the Millennium. R2855:6

19 to wit, that God was in Christ reconciling a world unto himself, not reckoning unto them their trespasses, and having committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

To wit – Namely. E488

God was in Christ – This Christ is composed of many members. (1 Cor. 12:12) R4841:3

In or by or through Christ. R827:2

Paying the ransom exacted by his own justice. R333:3

Whose love? The Father's and the Son's, primarily the Father's, who hates sin but loves man. He hates sin because he loves man, and sin destroys man's happiness and if persisted in will destroy man himself. R9:5*

The salvation here taught does not depend upon acceptance of Christ. R108:5*

Reconciling – At-one-ing. E488

The Church to be saved by a change of nature, the world by a resurrection to the perfection of human nature. R5596:3

In a Bible reading list entitled "Seven Stages," this text is included under "Deliverance" with Isa. 63:5, Luke 2:10,11, Gal. 3:13, 1 R465:4

A work begun, but not yet concluded. R2855:6

We must stand aloof from the practical anarchy, knowing that if all men loved God supremely and "their neighbors as themselves," they would "walk humbly before God"; all would become reconciled to him. R1190:5*

Christ did die, the Just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God; that we are "reconciled to God through the death of his Son." (Rom. 5:10) NS365:2, 6

The world – This Scripture is a comprehensive statement, covering the Lord's favor to believers in this present time, and as well his ultimate favor to all the families of the earth during the times of restitution. NS440:4

Those from the world who now accept the Gospel call. R5918:2, 2855:6

God is not yet reconciled to the world, and the world is not yet reconciled to God. R3707:4, 2855:6

For centuries we have been overlooking scriptures which speak of a reconciliation with the world, and not noting the difference between the Church and the world: "Ye are not of the world." (John 17:16) NS821:6

Unto himself – First by the reconciling of his own justice, second by a restoration of those who turn from sin to righteousness. R3707:4

Not imputing – Not reckoning. NS383:5

Trespasses unto them – Because their penalty was borne by Christ. E488

But imputing them unto "him who died for us and rose again." E444, E488; SM381:2

But reckoning those trespasses unto his Son Jesus, who died for your sins, the just for the unjust, that he might reconcile us to God. (1 Pet. 3:18) NS383:5

Committed unto us – The Body of Christ is helped and succored in its day of salvation in order that it may be the instrument of God for the blessing and releasing of those who are in the prison-house of death. HG337:1

God hath committed unto us, the Royal Priesthood. E488

The word – Message, good tidings. E488

Of reconciliation – At-one-ment. E488

The message of God's love. R5597:5

Telling of the way of return to God. R5597:5

20 We are ambassadors therefore on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: we beseech you on behalf of Christ, be ye reconciled to God. Now then – Because God has called us and given us as a priesthood this service, and this message to declare. E488

We are ambassadors – God's representatives amongst men--ministers, or servants. R5597:5

Commissioned to tell the good tidings in the world. R3707:5

"Who also hath made us able ministers of the new covenant." (2 Cor. 3:6) R3329:6

Whose commission arrays him, as defender of the faith, in opposition to every other form of doctrine. R1588:2

With all the consecrated, when they come to see the privileges of the present high calling, the service in the "Royal Priesthood" is superior to all else, even if tent-making is still a necessity. R1021:1

The Father is sending out messengers to inform the condemned of his reconciliation. R504:5

One necessity for ambassadorship is that "brethren" still in Babylon are in danger. They do not cry for help, because they do not realize their need. We must not wait our sacrificing until they request it. R2457:1

Whoever is negligent of his opportunities to serve others shows his own lack of appreciation of God's message. R4666:2

The spirit which would permit us to please simply ourselves, to the neglect of others who might be greatly blessed by the same truths which have so refreshed our hearts, would not be the spirit of love. R1672:3

The Apostle and all consecrated believers as members of the Church, the Body of Christ, are God's ambassadors in speaking to the world. NS569:3

From the time that Jesus had died and risen again and ascended up on high and appeared in the presence of God on our behalf, the apostles and all believers were commissioned to be ambassadors for God. NS365:5

The very humblest of the Lord's people should consider the honor, the dignity, the responsibility of being the representatives of the King of glory--the King of the universe. NS465:4

As workers with Christ, we must study him as the model workman in his work among men: The work is sometimes irksome, not to our taste; those we are to gladly help may be uninteresting or repugnant to us. R835:3*

"Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." (Col. 3:17) R3329:6

"Our citizenship is in heaven." (Phil. 3:20) R3330:2

"Ye are not of this world." (John 17:14) R3330:2

We have transferred our allegiance and citizenship to the heavenly Kingdom. R3330:2

For Christ – Our official head or High Priest, and the Father's representative. E488

"On behalf of Christ." (Diaglott) Let us make haste to publish the more the sure mercies of our God, through Christ. R1045:6*

We would bear more fruit, save wasted talent and energy, lighten and gladden the labor, if we would permit his power to relieve our heavy and wearisome toil and sanctify the senses in his work. R835:2*

God did beseech you by us – The word "you" is in italics, indicating it is not in the original. It should be omitted. God is not beseeching the Church through the Church to be reconciled, for all of the Church are reconciled. R5597:6, 4542:4; Q578:6

This epistle was addressed "Unto the church, with all the saints." Paul would not beseech the Church to pray that the saints, the Church, be reconciled to God. They had already become reconciled. NS569:6

God through us is beseeching or urging all who have the hearing ear. R5597:6; NS365:5, 264:6

"As if God were inviting through us." (Diaglott) We must be on the alert to use every opportunity presented to call forth from Babylon the consecrated children. R1045:6*

"As though God were entreating by us." NS383:1

It is a mistake to interpret the divine attitude toward man as being a coaxing, pleading one. NS365:2

As the vine does not bear fruit directly, but by means of the branches, so it is with Christ. "Together with him," even as the branch abiding together in the vine, we are workers with Christ. R835:2*

The part of Christ's work of mediation which related to the settlement of the claims of justice against us, as sinners, was at a full end; the part remaining was the making known of reconciliation to sinners. R788:2

This has been the chief business of God's people all these 1800 years. CR308:4

The omnipotent one now uses "The foolishness of preaching" (1 Cor. 1:21) as his agency for appealith penalties for disobedience and rewards for obedience. NS364:3

We pray you in Christ's stead – "We entreat, on behalf of Christ." (Diaglott) We who are consciously receiving "meat in due season" are especially called to proclaim the glad tidings of reconciliation. R1045:6*

Be ye reconciled to God – At-oned. E488

The whole Gospel message is to this effect. R4978:3; NS383:2

God is now ready and willing to receive all who come to him through Christ. R788:2, 4978:3

This phrase may be applicable to the unconverted, but it was addressed to Christians. He is Lord and Master; we are called upon to admit his claims, and thus be at agreement with God. R99:6*

While our greatest work comes in the next age, let us not forget we should do all in our power in the present age to counteract sin and to restore mankind to harmony with our Father. R87:4

Knowing that only such as come into vital relationship with the Redeemer can have everlasting life, we persuade men everywhere, "Be reconciled." NS836:2

There was no reconciliation to God previous to the ministry of reconciliation, the gospel, when Jesus Christ by the grace of God tasted death for every man. (Heb. 2:9) NS384:2

The one little nation of Israel was favored with special information not granted to the other nations of the world, but even the Jews were not offered a full, complete reconciliation, but merely a typical one. NS365:4

The gospel was preached in advance to Abraham, but it was an indistinct statement--intended for Abraham and his natural seed, so that they would be able to exercise faith in the promise. NS365:5

21 Him who knew no sin he made to be a sin-offering on our behalf; that we might become the righteousness of God in him. For he hath – God. R4542:3

Jehovah, the Heavenly Father. R1849:2

Made him – Jesus. R4542:3

To be sin – "A sin-offering." (Diaglott) R1696:2, 73:2

A sin-offering, not a sinner or sin. R1336:6, 5253:4, 4704:2, 4542:3, 416:6*; E446

A sin-sacrifice or sin-offering. R1287:2

Christ took the sinner's place. R5597:6

He was treated as the sinner, and received the punishment that properly belonged to the sinner. R5356:2, 5253:4, 4371:3, 701:5, 660:4, 441:4, 93:6

"Made a curse for us" (Gal. 3:13)--cut off from life, treat R701:5, 4371:3

Jesus freely gave himself up and submitted to entire destruction of the flesh. R73:2

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so God declared in type that the man Christ Jesus would be lifted up upon the cross as our sin-offering. R1849:2, 1696:2

The bite of a fiery serpent (sin) was cured by a look at the brazen serpent (Christ)--the only hope of the fallen race of mankind. R1696:2

For us – The household of faith. R4542:6

The guilt of the sinner was borne by the Redeemer, who gave the full corresponding price for our sins, that all seeking righteousness might be accepted as righteous, through the merits of his sacrifice. E444

Jesus was tested to the utmost to prove his worthiness of the greatest exaltation at his Father's hands. Our Lord Jesus gave up all that he had on man's behalf. E444

For him--"God hath reconciled us to himself." (2 Cor. 5:18) R4542:3,4

Who knew no sin – Either personal or inherited. R660:4

He personally knew no sin--holy, harmless, separate from sinners. (Heb. 7:26) R5597:6, 73:2

Born of a woman he partook of the woman's nature, though retaining all the purity and perfection of the pre-existent (spirit) state. E105; R777:5

Jesus did not need to wait for any sacrifice for sins, for he knew no sin. NS51:3

John did not want to baptize Jesus, knowing he was not a sinner. HG261:6

Jesus kept, fulfilled, all the requirements of the Law, which we know was the measure of a perfect man's ability; he must have been a perfect man if able to do what no imperfect man could do. R776:2

"I have found no cause of death in him." (Luke 23:22) Death, pain and sorrow araim upon Jesus. R573:2

Our Head, our Lord, the holy, the pure One, was perfect as a man and gave a perfect sacrifice, without spot or blemish. R964:6, 73:2

His cross consisted not in his living separate from sin, for he had lived separate from sin up to that time. NS622:6

That we – Those who receive this message. R5597:6

His "members." R4542:6

Zion. The typical Zion is the Jewish nation; the antitypical Zion is the glorified Christ. HG606:3

Might be made – May have. R5597:6

The righteousness of God – May have the privilege of coming into the righteous condition acceptable to God. R5597:6

The antitypical Zion is the glorified Christ. "He shall be called, Jehovah our Righteousness." (Jer. 23:6) "She shall be called, Jeho(Jer. 33:16) R4913:3

God's mercy will pass through the Church to natural Israel to whomsoever wills of all the families of the earth. R4542:6

In him – Only sons of God are covered by the robe of Christ's righteousness imputed to them, because of which they find acceptance with the Father--not all believers, but only those who abide "in him." R1008:2

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